[Hetalia] Five Drabbles on Love

Jul 30, 2011 18:38

All are posted to fandomwords100. Written for the prompt Love at usxuk Summer Camp Challenge.


Title: "Love"
Fandom: Hetalia
Bonus: After - moment, pace; Whole - moment, hourglass, travel; Belief - moment; Leave - none; Forever - moment, infinity
Team: Team Ice
Challenge: 21. Time @ fandomwords100; After, Whole, Belief, Leave, and Forever @ 50ficlets
Rating/Warnings: G to PG-13 (varies each drabble)
Summary/Other Info: America and England think on their love for each other throughout time.


America breathed against England’s skin as they lay together, after making love. He loved the smell of the other nation. England smelled of rain and of the ocean, and he tasted like tea. He didn’t mind tea when it was tasted on England’s tongue, when he could move his mouth and taste the sea salt on his skin. It was a simple moment of time, resting in the afterglow, the pace of their hearts slowing. He rested his chin on his lover’s stomach and looked up at him, loving the way his face looked, he could look at it forever.


It was in moments like these that England felt whole. It was the times when they weren’t doing anything important. They were watching a movie or eating dinner or taking a walk. It was in the moments that they weren’t talking, they were simply together. There was no past and no future, there was simply then.

The sands in the hourglass had ceased, freezing their travel on the infinite march of time. England couldn’t help but smile his small smile in those moments. He may put his hand in America’s or press a soft kiss to his cheek.

Pure bliss.


There were times when he would worry. And then he felt ashamed of himself, he England, would be worried about his relationship with America. In his darker moments he would worry that when they weren’t together America was off with someone else. He was afraid that he wasn’t enough, in his stuffiness, and in his age. There were plenty of younger nations that kept up better with America than he could.

But then, America would smile at him, and he could believe. Believe that the smile was only his, know the love behind it. Believe that it was only his.


They had left each other in the past. There were times when they needed to turn their back on the other and walk away. Yet, they always returned. It was as if something caused them to always revolve around the other, no matter what they would never be rid of each other. Even when they wanted to rip each other’s throats out, they returned.

England would often wonder if this was what Shakespeare meant when he said, “The course of true love never did run smooth.” He sighed, their love must be true, because it was most certainly not smooth.


In that one moment, time stretch on into infinity. Nothing existed, except the two of them. Nothing but a warm embrace, the smell of each other, dirty and stinking of gun powder. All the sounds ceased, the chaos of the scene around them stopped. They were not sure who had rescued who as they huddled there in the shelter of the building. The images around them stopped, their entire world focused on each other’s eyes, not daring to look away and breaking the spell.

It was as if forever descended on them the first time they whispered, “I love you.”

pairing: america/england, character: england, 50ficlets, character: america, usxuk summer camp, fandomwords100, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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