[Hetalia] "Games"

Jul 11, 2011 23:39

All are posted to fandomwords100. Written for "Games" prompt at usxuk Summer Camp Challenge.


Title: "Games" A US/UK drabble series
Author: shuriken7
Claim: America/England
Prompt: 46. Wrong, 13. Death, 42. Pieces, 17. Add, 47. Right @ 50ficlets
Fandom: Hetalia
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500 [100 words per drabble]
Summary: America and England are terrible at playing games with each other.
A/N: Decided to try writing in mostly dialogue today. :)
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.


“America, what are you doing?!”

“I’m going to hit the ball, what’s it look like?”

England slapped a hand to his face, why was it like this every time he tried to teach America a sophisticated game?

“You’re not supposed to swing it as if you were chopping down a tree!”

“How else am I supposed to get it all the way across the yard?”

“It’s called a lawn and you’re supposed to get it through the hoops!”


“Because it’s croquet! You need to be gentlemanly!”

America rolled his eyes and England groaned. This was going to take awhile.


“Ouch! That hurt Iggy!” America rubbed at the spot on his arm that England had just punched. The other nation just glared at him, green eyes blazing, a controller clutched in a death grip in his hand.

“You kill me one more time in this game and I’m going to...”

“But I needed to use you as a springboard to get up to the secret area where I could get the coins! Look, I even got us a one-up mushroom! C’mon just one more level, it’ll just take a few minutes!”


Puppy eyes.

A dramatic sigh, “Fine.”



“America, keep your hands out of the box!”

“I was just making change!”

“You were trying to sneak another house onto the gameboard! Broadway did not have two houses 30 seconds ago!”

“How do you know?”

“I was paying attention!”

“Yeah, well I don’t remember you paying off the mortgage on Reading Railroad!”

“You look the other way on my mortgage and I’ll look the other way on your house.”


“Hey!” Canada protested. Every time they played Monopoly they had a tendency to bend the rules, although they always seemed to lose to whoever they were playing against anyway.



“You lose again.”

“Iggy, there’s no way that can be added up right! Can you even get that high of a score in cribbage?”

“Of course you can get that high a score in cribbage! I invented the game after all!”

“I think these rules seem made up.”

“Cribbage has been around since before you were.”

“Doesn’t mean you are playing fair. I am looking up the rules.”

“You sure are a sore loser.”

A huff, “I am not!”

“Come over here, I’ll make up your loss to you.” A kiss, a blush. And the game was promptly forgotten.


“Why do you have to complain every time you lose?”

“You do the same thing.”

“Quiet you.”

“I know one way you can make me quiet.” America said, grinning. England raised an eyebrow.


“I’m not going to tell you, I’m just going to keep talking until you figure it out.” And he did, until England grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him until he was flushed and stuttering.

“Well, it seems we’ve found a game you play right, America.”


“Being such an obnoxious pain in the ass that I can’t help but love you.”

pairing: america/england, character: england, 50ficlets, character: america, usxuk summer camp, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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