[Hetalia] "Happy Birthday Canada"

Jul 01, 2011 00:01

Wanted to write something for Canada Day, and realized I had run out of time, so here's a short drabble between the boys about celebrating their birthdays.


Title: "Happy Birthday Canada"
Author: shuriken7
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters: America/Canada
Prompt: 15. Birthday @ 25fluffyfics, 47. Earth @ 50ficlets
Word Count: 235
Rating: G
Summary: They decided to spend their birthdays quietly this year.
Disclaimer: I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia

It had been simple, just the two of them, out in the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, a combination of national parks, one American and the other Canadian. They had escaped for the weekend, decided to skip out on the lavish parties for something simple, to celebrate like normal people. Their campsite was remote and they knew they would be back by the time their bosses were able to track them down.

They had escaped Thursday evening, intending to take the weekend all the way through the end of America’s on Monday. They planned a weekend of backcountry cooking, hiking, and playing in the crisp mountain air of northern Montana or southern Alberta. It was them and the earth, a place to rejuvenate and escape the rigors of daily life back in the cities. Although they loved the fireworks and parties that happened on their respective days, it had been done time and again, and this one time they chose quiet.

“Happy Birthday, Mattie.” America whispered to him as his watch beeped midnight, signaling the change from June to July. They were huddled up together like they have done their entire lives, staring up at the skies. They remembered times that were simpler, a time when they were alone with the endless wilderness before they knew they were going to become their own nations, free to celebrate who they were and how they got there.

50ficlets, pairing: america/canada, character: canada, character: america, 25 fluffy fics, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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