[Hetalia] "DDR"

Mar 21, 2011 21:58

Title: "DDR"
Author: shuriken7
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters: England, America, and Japan
Prompt: 24. Writer's Choice: Games @ 25FluffyFics
Word Count: 418
Rating: PG for England's mouth
Summary: America and Japan invite England over to experience a sensational new video game.
Disclaimer: I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia

England stared down at the mat beneath his feet. It was a terribly garish thing, all bright colors and arrows pointing forward, back, left, and right. In the center was a pop image of a girl in mid-dance move, and some innocuous phrase about dancing.

“Got it?” asked America looking at him excitedly. That’s right, America had just been explaining the rules of this game to him. Ever since Japan had introduced it to America he had not been able to stop talking about and now America had tricked him into playing it.

“It’s all plugged in America-san.”

“You didn’t have to do that Japan, I could have done it.”

“It is fine. Are you ready Igirisu-san?” England fought the look of embarrassment that was threatening to take over his face. He had two sets of expectant eyes on him. One a bright sky blue, the other a dark mysterious brown. England looked down at his feet on the mat, trying to think of a way out of this. He considered the possibilities. Possibility one, look like a fool. Possibility two, swallow his pride and ask one of his companions how to play this ridiculous game, seriously, who had thought of a game called Dance Dance Revolution? Wait, he’s standing in the room with him waiting for an answer. Possibility three, get someone else to look the fool first. America seemed a prime candidate.

“America, it’s your house, you and Japan can play first.” America’s eyes lit up at the chance to play the video game. But of course he chose this of all times to remember his manners.

“Are you sure, England? As guest you should go first.”

“I insist.”

“Alright if you insist...” said America. England graciously gave the younger nation his mat as Japan set up the other one, moving to his own position. England sat down on the couch as the two discussed the new options in this version of the game. Heavens, there were others? Eventually they settled on a song and England felt his mouth hang open in shock. The arrows flew by on the screen faster than he could really follow them and yet America and Japan kept in perfect step. They were really good at this...

The song ended in a flurry of quick steps and the two anxiously awaited their scores. There was a groan from America as he realized that Japan had beaten him by several points.

“You’re turn England, we play winner.”

Oh Bollocks.

character: england, character: america, character: japan, 25 fluffy fics, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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