[Hetalia] "Friends" America & England

Mar 07, 2011 18:45

Title: "Friends"
Author: shuriken7
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters: America and England
Prompt: 17. Jealousy @ 25fluffyfics
Word Count: 479
Rating: G
Summary: Inspired by Hetalia: World Series Episode 47. England reflects on America's relationship with him and other countries.
Disclaimer: I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia.

“You know America, if you were so desperate to make friends, you could be friends with me...” said England in response to America hugging a whale that he had made friends with on his way back from Japan. America turned and looked at him, his face serious from the childish joy it had been moments ago.

“England...” America continued to stare at him, his blue eyes meeting England’s green until he could not look at the younger nation anymore. They had had their issues in the past that they were starting to move past. Their last major conflict had been several decades ago. He awkwardly looked away, blushing slightly at his dumb comment.

America’s seriousness was broken as he laughed and started to run away shouting, “No way, dude!” and laughing his way along the beach.

“You wanker!” shouted England, grinning despite the anger of his words. As soon as America was out of sight it was replaced with a frown. He was a little worried about America’s relationships with other countries, not that he had any right to be. The boy had been trading with China for several decades and had just recently made friends with Japan. He had commerce treaties with Netherlands and France. He had made up with Canada over the issue of the War of 1812. England couldn’t help but feel a little miffed and jealous at the fact that America would talk to them, but would have little to do with him personally. Sure their countries had treaties and trade agreements. American goods came in through his ports and American ships would carry British goods back across the Atlantic. Still they couldn’t be in a room together without America making some kind of inflammatory or childish comment that would just stir up England’s fiery attitude and they would fight. As England made his way back to his consulate he wondered if they would ever be close again. He had loved those colonial days before America had grown up and realized he could be stronger.

He walked into his office where the last light of the day flowed in illuminating his desk. He would have to light a candle soon if he wanted to work. On top of his paperwork was a letter, his name written in a scrawl he recognized. He opened it.

Dear England,

I hope you know I didn’t mean what I said before. We can be friends someday, I’ll keep a spot open for you on my agenda. My boss just doesn’t want us to be friends right now. But I do care about you, I hope you know that. Blood is thicker than water after all.


Beneath the message was a crude drawing of two people holding hands with their flags quickly sketched above their heads.

“That idiot.” England mutters as he tucks the letter away for safekeeping.

character: england, character: america, 25 fluffy fics, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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