[Hetalia] "Candlelight Tag" N.Italy & S.Italy

Mar 07, 2011 18:20

Title: "Candlelight Tag"
Author: shuriken7
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters: N.Italy and S.Italy
Prompt: 6. Candles @ 25fluffyfics
Word Count: 306
Rating: G
Summary: The Italies enjoy a game together (Inspired by all of the fanarts of them in priest clothing, they probably spent a lot of time in churches growing up)
Disclaimer: I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia.

The Italian brother had a game when the Vatican had first been built. Even when they were older and the Vatican much more ancient they still liked to play it occasionally, when none of the other nations would find out that they still did such childish things. In fact, the game could be played in any church, as long as one did not get caught and scolded by the priests. The game involved candlelight, and not being in it. It was a game of tag that could only be played in the dark in between that was created in the voids between candelabras.

One would decide who was it, Veniziano would usually get stuck as the first it, because Romano was much bossier and assertive than shy Northern Italy. Romano would take off and hid in the darkness and his little brother would seek him. If he was caught in the light his brother would win. This was something Southern Italy disliked. His brother already won most of their games, in this game of his own creation he would never be defeated.

They would play for hours, North Italy after learning of his brother’s love of winning happily let him, never letting Romano in on his scheme of course. Sometimes they both got to run away when the priests would get around to scolding the fledgling nations. They would play until they were caught and promptly thrown out, or until they were too tired to continue. If the latter occurred they would curl up in quiet corner of the church to sleep until their guardians inevitably found them, wrapped around each other in a comfort only close siblings could achieve. Spain would take the South and Austria the North and the young Italies would dream of candlelight and the chance to play with each other again.

character: n. italy, 25 fluffy fics, character: s. italy, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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