Title: "National Flower"
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character: America (aka Alfred F. Jones), England
Prompt: #38 Touch
Word Count: 135
Rating: G
Summary: Two nations contemplate their shared national flower.
Disclaimer: Hetalia does not belong to me.
Soft, like velvet, that was the way he would describe a rose. He admired the delicate curve of the petals, the deep red of its color. Red could mean so many things; love, passion, excitement and danger. It really was a good color for him. He wore it on his flag and it was the shade of his national flower.
Across the ocean another man contemplates the same thing. Red was a powerful color, it could mean death or celebration depending on who one asked. He had touched every corner of the world and still the rose was red. It was a flower that he sent and received with a country across the sea that had once been part of his own. A pale finger dusts the petals delicately, it was soft, just like velvet.