[5 Prompts][Hetalia OC] "Laramie" WyomingxColorado

Feb 25, 2011 21:18

Title: "Laramie"
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing: OCxOC (state-tans, WyomingxColorado)
Prompt: Table # 19, # 4
Words: 699
Rating: PG
A/N: Original Characters. Me playing with the idea of if the states were done in the way nations are in Hetalia. This particular story was an exercise in trying to take something really boring (like a Supreme Court case over water rights) and trying to see how the personified states would feel about it. (No idea if I was successful or not...)
Summary: Water Law in the west is a big dang deal, and Colorado is angry with Wyoming in a lost fight for the Laramie.

It was ultimately a petty argument, some would call it downright ridiculous, but it still made her angry. It was too late though, America had made his decision as was his right as the nation. It was his job to not only deal with other nations, but to settle disputes between the states. She stomped her foot and shoved her way through into the house the western states were collectively sharing, they had their own, but sometimes it got too quiet on the range, even in the year 1922. She brushed passed Montana on the way to gather up her things in order to travel home. She asked Idaho if he would please get her horse ready for her.

“I take it these means Wyoming won.” said Montana whistling at the force of which she had brushed past him.

“Prior appropriation, bullshit.”

“Language, Colorado!” yelled Nebraska from another room. He still felt it necessary to correct their language, even though they all looked about the same age now. Several riots and a short-lived Civil War in her own state had forced Colorado to grow up quickly. She stomped up the stairs ignoring him. She wanted to slam the door, but remembered that here they had not put any doors in yet, the house was still too new. She kicked the doorframe with a dusty boot leaving a satisfying dent in the soft pine. She gathered her items and piled them quickly in her garment bag. She had not brought many things here and she certainly had more than enough back in Denver so she chose to travel light. Idaho had her horse waiting for her when she came back out into the yard. She thanked her brother and hugged him before mounting and riding off. She knew it was childish of her, petty, but she did not really want to face Wyoming after she had seen that smug look on his face in the courtroom.

She rode for several hours and stopped to give her horse a break near the river. It was the river that had been fought over, the Laramie. She threw a few stones into it for good measure but then settled herself in the shade of a willow shrub. She turned her horse loose to graze. She though back on their fight, it had been a bone of contention between them for years, ever since Wyoming pressed his claim on water rights to the Laramie. A couple of the wetter states didn’t understand their dispute over it, but in the arid west water was a big deal. Water was life, water was what grew what crops they could, watered their livestock, water for industry, water was everything. The Laramie River’s headwaters were nestled in her mountains where it would begin to flow northeast through and into Wyoming’s land.

She fisted a few blades of grass and yanked them out roughly from the soil. She supposed she should not be as angry as she was, she still got to divert some water after all, how much was up to a study that was yet to be started. It was just the principle of the thing, and the principle of how utterly ridiculous the doctrine of prior appropriation was. Wyoming got to have first rights simply because he got their first, whether he needed all that water or not. She threw the blades of grass into the Laramie and watched them flow away.

The river reflected the bright blue western sky, it mirrored Wyoming’s eyes. It was hard to think about him right now. She loved him, but she certainly was not liking him very much right now. The same person she wanted to comfort her, was the one she could not face. She stood up and called her horse back. She would send him a telegram when she got back home. She still was not sure what she wanted to say, but it would be to tell him that she still cared.

She saddled up and went back home, back to the bustling cities of the Front Range. The issue was settled between them, she just needed to accept it and move on.

hetalia: state-tans, 5_prompts, character: america, fandom: axis powers hetalia, character: idaho, character: colorado, character: montana, character: wyoming

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