Title: "Too Much"
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character: America (aka Alfred F. Jones)
Prompt: #33 Too Much
Word Count: 280
Rating: G
Summary: The acts were all too much, too fast for a young America.
Disclaimer: Hetalia does not belong to me.
It was too much, too fast.
Did England not understand him at all? Had their miscommunications been that bad? Did he not know the vision his people were showing him? Did he not see the hopes of the colonies? England may be his older brother, they may share a language and similar religion, but it seemed at the end of the day they were quite different. England was too used to playing games with Europe, America was used to creating his own. That is until England stepped in and started telling him how things should be done.
It all started with Grenville and his acts. How England could let that man do those things to America’s people, people who considered themselves England’s people, America never could really understand. When America would ask, England would explain.
“You’ve been given many freedoms over here America, we only ask that you pay for some of them.”
“I have my own assemblies you know, and we’re not represented in Parliament so...”
“Your job as a colony is to do what you are told. You are lucky you have the freedoms I give you. France and Spain rarely award their colonies such liberties.”
France and Spain never built a civilization like mine in the New World. thought America. He did not say it to England. England always got the last word, the discussion was over. For now.
Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Townshend Act... They piled up in his hands as anger piled in his people’s hearts. Resentment was growing. His people were unhappy and it tore at America’s heart.
It was just too much, too quickly, something was going to break.
Something had already broken.