Title: "The Team"
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character: America (aka Alfred F. Jones)
Prompt: #26 Teammates
Word Count: 307
Rating: G
Summary: They are a family, they are a team.
Disclaimer: Hetalia does not belong to me.
Other nations never really paid attention to other nation's states or provinces, mostly because their existence is much more fluid than a nation. Their existence or lack thereof, is dependent on people's sense of identity. They may have once been independent and then absorbed, like Wales and Scotland, and they are still around to make their brother's life interesting. Japan's provinces run around making sure the country’s internal affairs run smoothly, making sure their people do what they do best. Germany's house is filled with siblings that are as present as Prussia, but often are more like silent specters.
Inside America’s borders are the states. America is a republic, the United States of America. Each and every one of them with identity. Each with their own people. Within their own nation, the people refer to themselves as Californian, Montanan, Texan, etc. Each identity spawns a personification.
If someone were to ask who came first, the thirteen or America. America can't remember, but the thirteen would say America was always there from their very first memory. Europe gave birth to America and America’s existence in turn birthed the thirteen. They were creations of the people that moved to America. In the famous words of Thomas Jefferson, “Virginia is my country”. And she was proud to have him. They chose to unite under one flag.
It was the Thirteen that wanted freedom from Great Britain, and they watched America break his own heart to give them what they wanted. With sorrowful faces they had asked, and being their nation acknowledged. America took all of England's wrath as his states made their desires known. On July 4, 1776, they became teammates, they became countrymen, they became the United States of America. And as more were born they were folded into the group, they were a team, they were a family.