§ The law and the public consider zir a merciless bandit and murderer, but what pushed zir into that life of crime, and how does zie deal with what zie does?
§ What did one or both of the girls think during/after/about this?
§ Revulsion/distaste for doing what has to be done
§ The travesty that turned a God's benevolence to vengefulness
• A dragon not in a position of power [for once]. ;] • A short treaties on the modern miracle of engineering, the screw • View from a round-about (possibly commented on by the folks riding it)
Well, took long enough, but here it is at long last. A dragon not in a position of power "A Mutually Satisfactory Arrangement" (minor hinting at naughtiness; 591 words)
Comments 6
II. "If once you start down the Dark Path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will!" (See also: Face Heel Turn)
III. "...Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." (an attempt at the second aspect of your theme)
"When you've hit bottom, there's no place to go but up."
"Charity" (SFW; transformation; 584 words)
§ What did one or both of the girls think during/after/about this?
§ Revulsion/distaste for doing what has to be done
§ The travesty that turned a God's benevolence to vengefulness
• A dragon not in a position of power [for once]. ;]
• A short treaties on the modern miracle of engineering, the screw
• View from a round-about (possibly commented on by the folks riding it)
A dragon not in a position of power
"A Mutually Satisfactory Arrangement" (minor hinting at naughtiness; 591 words)
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