QuickFic Session #3

Mar 25, 2012 08:42

Update: It's under an hour til midnight as I write this, Atlantic time. Unless you get your prompt in within the next 55 minutes, prompts are now closed. Finished pieces will follow - anthology submission is out of the way, so I can work on them a little easier now.

Here we are in the last week of the month once again, and to keep the ball rolling, I am once again opening a flash-fiction call! This time, unfortunately, I have to put more restrictions on it than usual - I still have a major project from the last session that I need to work on, as well as an anthology submission I'd like to write. Prompts will run through the end of the month, unless I find myself with a total of 30 blocks of writing to do, at which point I will close early.

Of those 30 blocks, the following are spoken for so far:

15 / 30

The premise is this: Comment here with a prompt - a sentence or two about a theme to base the writing around - or, ideally, several. I will (pick one, and) write flash fiction in response to that prompt, where “flash fiction” is in the neighbourhood of 500 words, erring more on the generous side. (I will refer to this below as a “block” of words: 500, within 5% low and 20% high. That is, each block will get you 475-600 words, and the margins add up with further blocks put toward any particular prompt.) For the benefit of those coming from other sites, you don't need to have a LiveJournal account to prompt - I am opening and unscreening anonymous comments on this post. The only comments that will be left screened are pingbacks (ungrateful as that may seem to the pingback bot).

This month's theme: Equinox. The balance of night and day; springtime and growing things, or, to be fair to anyone who might be in the Southern hemisphere, autumn and the harvest; seasons of growth and fertility - prompts should relate to this theme.

At its root, it’s that simple. I will fulfil at least one prompt for everyone who comments, and do so in as timely a fashion as I can. As I get them completed, the fics will be on my storyblog and linked here for all to see and (hopefully) enjoy.

I will also be taking donations. Donations are not mandatory. I will still do ~500 words for everybody as I can. However, donations will most definitely be appreciated, and I’m going to show my appreciation thusly:

  • If you donate any amount, you get two additional blocks of words to allocate as you see fit - to new prompts or existing ones. If you gave several prompts to begin with (as I would prefer for several reasons), my assumption will be to pick several and give one block to each unless you specify particular prompts for extension, although if I have difficulty with some, I may choose to make a piece longer instead if the words are that much easier to produce.
  • For every $5 (Canadian dollars) you donate, I will add another such package of words.
  • If you donate $10 or more, the scene of your choice from any completed prompt in this call (not necessarily your own if something else catches your eye) will receive a penciled and perhaps lightly-shaded illustration courtesy of quoting_mungo. You don't need to decide right away what you want to see illustrated, if you'd rather wait and see the finished product - indeed, I'd prefer it that way.
  • If total donations pass $50, I will complete at least two writing blocks for everyone who submits them, donor or not. Donors still get all their extra packets of words.
  • If the total meets or exceeds $100, I will complete at least three blocks for all prompters (plus the usual rewards for donors).
  • If donations bring me to my cap this session of 30 blocks, I will ensure that the donor responsible gets full value up to that point, and then do any overall bonus prompts owing. For instance:
    • If I have caught up with six prompters and total donations from two donors of $40, at that point each prompter would have one block base (6), each donor has two more (+4), and the donation amount is good for 8 more. That's 18. If a new prompter throws in another $20, they'd get one base, two for donating, and four for the donation amount - new total of 25. Then all prompters would get another block, for a total of 32. I would call the session closed with this donor, but everyone would get their words.
    • If that new donor instead gave me $50, their total alone would bring me up to 31 blocks, before adding everybody's grand-total bonus block. I would work up to 30, then do everyone's additional block.

What I Won’t Do
  • These are not commissions. If you donate, I will be grateful, and I will try to make a piece that you’ll enjoy, but the work will be done to my standards and the copyright will remain with me. If you want to point someone to a completed prompt, please link to it here or on my blog rather than reposting it yourself; the publicity is important to me.
  • I will not write with someone else’s existing characters, your own or otherwise. I have enough trouble getting into someone else’s headspace at the best of times; for something like this I simply cannot afford the time and energy it would take, to say nothing of legal issues if they're not your own personal characters.
  • I will not commit to hard kinks with which I am not already familiar. Kinks are hit-and-miss to begin with; I don’t want to promise something that I turn out to be unable to deliver.

What I Will Do
  • The default for a given prompt will be standalone characters for that prompt, with no relation to any other writing. This may change if I see a good opportunity to fit it in somewhere else.
  • I will do anthropomorphic animals (please stick to air-breathing vertebrates), humans, or standard fantasy races like elves, though they’re likely to get a unique slant. Default will be random furries, or humans. If you have a preference, say so in your prompt.
  • I will work in settings in which I have previously written, in this journal or on my storyblog. If the pre-existing stories are incomplete, I may ask for a reprompt in the event that the prompt covers things I want to get to in my main writing. This also includes settings which I co-author, principally I.C.Q. (Any standalone fiction set in ICQverse will be illustrated by default.)
  • With reservations (the “hesitation” kind, not the “book in advance” kind), I might work in existing settings which lend themselves to original characters, if I'm already familiar with the setting. I don't currently have the resources to become familiar with new settings even if this manner of writing gave me the time. If this happens, you're likely to get my own crazy head-canon, not necessarily a dead ringer for the official line - partly if not only because some authors sometimes seen to be downright crazy in the decisions they make regarding their own canons. Suggested tweaks to the canon may be a part of the prompt. (This might be best to avoid unless either you know me or you've seen me do work in that setting.)
  • I will do clean or adult material. If your prompt can be completed without being naughty, I will assume you want it clean unless you specifically say naughty is okay.
  • Your first block will always be from within your prompts. If you don't specify, that's also where I'll put any donor incentives. However, you're welcome to ask for an extension to another piece in this prompt call if it catches your eye.
  • If I’m stuck on your prompts, either overall or those you've specified for some degree of work, I may ask for a reprompt in order to have something I can work with.

Prompts open immediately, as mentioned above, and run for a week unless I get swamped. I will complete the writing as I can, but judging by last session I can average about five blocks a day; illustrations for any piece due to get them may take longer, as quoting_mungo is not me and I can’t speak for her time, but we’ll still try to get those done in a timely fashion as well.

Comment to this post with your prompts, please! You may submit a number of them (please do, in fact), and I will select at least one among them to complete (unless I’m completely stuck, at which point I’ll ask for reprompts). And, as said above, if you donate and don't specify how you want things arranged, I will pick up to three that I can work with, plus more depending on how much you toss in the jar.

When donating, do not refer to your specific prompts. Say only that you are donating for QuickFic session 3, or (since PayPal should fill that in) your LJ name or similar; or just leave the default stuff there. All details about what you want written should be in prompts here, not in PayPal, and all details of what prompts you want your donations to go to (if you have a preference) should similarly be put in comments here. If you do donate, A) thank you, B) be sure to include something that will tie your donation to your prompt comment, such as commenting with / editing your comment to include the transaction ID or sending me a message on LJ (I will try to remember to check the message centre regularly, especially if I can't readily link your donation to your prompts) or, as mentioned above, including your LJ ID with the donation on PayPal's end. If it's trivially easy this won't be necessary (either I know you or your email is obviously in line with your LJ login or some signature in your comment), though it's best to at least say you tossed something in the jar; that way if I can't link the donation to you I can ask for more detail.

Again, anonymous comments will be open.

Work will be done more or less in sequence: each prompter in turn, along with their donation rewards (if they donated when they first prompted), with after-prompting donations woven in according to when they arrived. Overall rewards (extra prompts for everybody) will stay at the end of the queue, and then will be done in prompt order, more or less.

Thank you in advance for your interest, and please spread the word!


quickfic #3, quickfic, writing

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