Japan Trip ☠ Part 3

Jan 06, 2011 00:37

So I woke up at like 4AM this time. I know. Wth. I guess this is just me being not use to the time difference yet, but at the time, I passed it up for excitement. I wandered out to Family mart, but I wasn't very hungry so I ran back to the hotel to eat the rest of my uber healthy breakfast christmas cake and finish writing the guy's letters and get dressed before heading out. We weren't scheduled to meet until 10, but I was so excited I left at like 8:45 instead of 9:30.

Last night Tokyo dome was covered in Luna Sea signs and people in black, but this morning it was totally empty and had the Gazette signs up! I'm glad I took pictures before I went to the Hotel because afterwards it was really crowded and harder to take pics.

After spending quite some time grinning stupidly at the signs, I half skipped, half walked to the hotel to wait for the meet up. I wasn't sure which floor we were supposed to meet on because there's entrances to the first two, but I figured the main lobby was the best and started down the stairs towards it, pausing to take a picture on the way down. The lobby was pretty empty, but my eyes quite instantly found the cutest, most petite little blond I have EVER seen and even though I had only seen one or two pictures of her, I was like :D Toki! And it was~ I was secretly impressed with myself for recognizing someone from a picture, because generally I REALLY suck at it.

We sat and chatted for a while because we were both pretty early, but we were also kinda nervous cause we were really early and we kept looking around like 'where is everyoooone??' One girl came up to us and asked if we knew where a big overseas meet was supposed to be, but she wasn't waitign to meet us, just Izumi cause she bought a ticket. Finally I saw Doreen coming over from across the room with Taina and we jumped up to meet them.

At this point, I really wasn't thinking about the Live later, I was thinking about how it sort of felt like a convention, or just a bunch of friends getting together to hang out. We'd all had only talked online (that I know of) but we all got alone really well and talked about what we'd done in the morning and where we were staying. AND, at this point, I noticed that Taina had an accent. I totally somehow missed it Saturday in my overwhelmed by awesome state. I'd been listening to Toki's for the 30-45 minutes trying really hard not to look ridiculous because OMFG I LOVE accents! And now Doreen was there with her's and Taina was there with hers and I'm standing there with my regular dull American one trying to hold it together and not explode. IT WAS REALLY HARD OKAY. I'm sitting here grinning like a moron just writing this.

A few minutes later and someone else joined us, but I felt bad cause I didn't know who she was... but later Jess was like "WHAT?! You don't know SHARON?! It's SHARON. She likes BANANAS." Which is the phrase that will forever be branded in my brain when I think of Sharon or Jess LOL So awesome XDD Jess, Coral and Tiara came down not long after that. THANKFULLY. Because now, not only did I have Toki, Doreen and Taina's awesome accents making it hard to keep my cool, but SHARON ALSO has an accent and is an ADORABLE little ball of SQUEE. If the three of them hadn't come down, and if they didn't sound also like me being American as well, I may have DIED right then and there. I was trying UBER hard to keep it cool okay?? It was REALLY DIFFICULT. Anyway. Moving on. Apparently Coral had been down to look over the ledge to see if we were there yet, but SOMEHOW missed my uber blue hair lolol There were more introductions since only Coral and I had ever formally met one another and hugs and standing around looking each other like :D OMGGG We waited for Izumi to come since she was a bit late, and she was with with someone else, but i never caught her friend's name. She ended up going her own way for a bit afterwards so we only saw Izumi and her once or twice in passing. Since we were all together, we decided to head up to Jess, Tiara and Coral's hotel to drop a bunch of stuff off then head outside.

In America, people tend to camp outside of a venue for the door openings. However, apparently in Japan people camp out for the Merch line! I'd seen these people camped out at the Luna Sea concert and wondered what it was, but I recognized the first few people and jaw dropped cause I realized that they'd been camped out since at least 3PM on Saturday for this Merch line. Holy shit.

I can't remember if we did anything when we first came out besides walk around googly-eyed at the Gazette signs, but we decided to jump in the merch line even though the merch line didn't open till much later. It was a good thing we did too because within a half hour, the line was wrapped all over Tokyo Dome City. This is why we planned to meet EIGHT hours before the concert actually started.

Taina and Doreen went to stick their presents in coin lockers and get something to eat while we held the place in line. Again there was a strange sense of connection. None of us had been friends for an extreme amount of time (except Coral Tiara and Jess), but I felt at least that we were all really close and good friends. It's not something I've personally felt before in a group of people. With Skye definitely! I liked Skye from the minute I met her in NY and saw her wearing my favorite H&M jacket that my mom got for my sister Kat instead of me. *shakes fist* |D Anyway, so yes, with one on one, but not with a big group of people.

When the overseas tickets had gone on sale, I'd bought two tickets separately because I had a small moment of panic because I heard that the Japanese ticket method is done by lottery so you MIGHT not get a ticket. Which was dumb to panic for because, Hello. Tokyo Dome seats over 50,000 people. I'm SURE they could fit everyone. But anyway, I got two tickets and I felt bad for putting in for an extra one so I paid for both and figured when I saw the seats, I'd pick one and give or sell the other one. I was supposed to meet to sell the ticket at 12, so I slipped out of line to go over to the Heresy booth where I was PRETTY SURE that's where the overseas tickets were. No one around who looked official could tell me where the overseas tickets were sold for like 20 minutes of me looking around, until someone finally told me that the Overseas tickets didn't start til 3:30. Unsure of what to do, I ran back to the merch line which was great timing because they just opened it early and the line was moving!

I'd already written down everything that I wanted from the Merch so I didn't really have to look at the board with everything on it. However, sadly, the HUGE MONSTER bag of stuff was sold out by the time I got there ((which is nuts cause it was only like 10-20 minutes of waiting before it was my turn)), so I got the SLIGHTLY HUGE MONSTER bag and a bunch of other stuff. I threw it all in the SLIGHTLY HUGE MONSTER bag then hurried to the side to wait for the others. Jess and Tiara were there and when I came over we had a monster squeal fest while we waited for the others to come back. I decided to walk around some more, take pics, look for the overseas ticket booth and get in line for the Heresy gift.

So I stood in line for Heresy, which was reeeally long. Almost as long as the Merch line when we first looked back and were like "oh thank god we got in when we did!", but I persevered!!! The others met up with me and slipped in line too, which was good because I needed Taina at one point because apparently I needed my Heresy card AND my ticket and we were having a slight language barrier issue. Since the Overseas tickets didn't open till 3:30, I couldn't get the dvd *sniffs* Everyone else did though and so we waited for each of us to come back out triumphantly holding the present.. Except me.. *sobsob* LOL Around this time, Jess's friend Pricilla came and met with us and we all RAN back to the hotel to Jess, Tiara and Coral's room to throw our stuff and selves down on the bed to watch the DVD on Tiara's computer.

It was SOOOO much fun sitting around with everyone watching the DVD. I don't have any friends around here who also like Jrock and the like. Cept skye but I think she humors me most of the time... if not ALL of the time ♥ We laughed and made comments and chatter adn just aaaaaaahh!!!!! It was possibly one of the top 3 highlights of the entire trip.. just sitting around chatting and watching the DVD together. It was awesome. When the DVD was over we continued just hanging out and Taina was telling us about the other lives she'd been to until about 3:20 when we had to hurry back outside to find the Overseas ticket booth.

The line I (we? I think I was too excited to notice if everyone was with me at that point) got in first was apparently the General Sales booth. A really nice gentleman came up to me and asked if I was for Overseas tickets and I said yeah and he skirted me up to a special window. There was a little confusion at first because I said I bought two tickets, but they only had one under my name. I kept trying to focus on explaining that I'd done it under two different emails, BUT they were HOLDING my TICKET RIGHT THERE!!!! I finally, and pathetically, went 'c-can I have my ticket?' And once they gave it to me I could much more clearly explain that I'd used two emails and they gave me the other ticket. LOL XD

While I was waiting, I noticed two people standing off to the side and was like AH! That's them they're waiting for the ticket. So as soon as I had both tickets I hurried over to them and apologized for not being able to find them at 12 when we originally said. IHCEIUFW SHITSHIT SWEETY I FORGOT YOU NAME X___X damnit... Diane? Diana? Am I CLOSE?? Sorryyy I will call you HARUHI until you remind me x.x;;; Anyway, so I met Haruhi and MOM and handed over the ticket. I thought they'd be like in different areas, but apparently they were right next to each other! :D I asked the All Knowing, All Powerful Taina about the tickets and she said, not only were we almost ALL TOGETHER, but we had AMAZING SEATS! WUT!!!! AND ON AOI'S SIDE!!!!!!! I could BARELY ask for better seats!

We stood around and talked for a while, probably blocking the whole walk way cause we were all clustered together haha I was loosing my voice already because of all the talking and happy squealing I'd done all day, so I went to ask some guy at a take out place if they had hot tea. No hot tea, but they had coffee! So I had a cup of coffee for like 150 yen, and drank it somehow with only one little pixie stick of sugar. Oh that's something I just remembered... there wasn't squarish packets of sugar in Japan, they were all in little pixie stick containers. So I drank my coffee and we started to slowly wander towards the main gate when I noticed a group of people kneeling in a circle on the ground ((*photo stolen from mrskyouya)). They were writing messages on a big banner and so CLEARLY I had to get in on this! I think I threw my ticket and things at someone so I could hurry over to write something. Now that I'm remembering it, I realize that was really rude to just be like HERE HOLD THIS FOR ME, but I was not thinking clearly at all. After I stood up, a few others wrote their own messages and then, because some of us went to different gates we did a big gazette like group hug then went to our gates.

Now that I'm writing it, I don't remember when we split up with Toki... we lost Toki somewhere D: But I guess she went off with her friends?

They check our bags at the doors for cameras and other UNWANTED things, but I was totally terrible and took advantage to the fact that the Japanese are too nice to be like "*points* HEY! You have an extra POCKET there!" and only showed them one pocket with my wallet, not the one with my camera... After retrieving the small ad pamphlet for the other PSC groups, we took our first steps out into the Dome.

It was sort of this huge, overwhelming site to see. Sorta like when you walk into a baseball or football stadium and you're like "dear god, how could this many people actually exist to fill all these seats?!" The stage was huge, the CEILING was like 15 miles high. We walked down the stairs to the Arena entrance, showed the guys our tickets to the guy and hopped down. I turned to meet everyone else with a monster grin and everyone seemed to collide into each other as we screamed and jumped cause OMG WE'RE HERE! WE MADE IT IN. We quickly found our block and realized just HOW FUCKING GOOD our seats were. When the staff had their back turned, I took a quick pic with my phone.

And then we waited... Haruhi and I were sitting right next to each other, Taina and Doreen were a few seats down and Jess, Tiara and Coral were behind Taina and Doreen. I don't remember where Sharon's seat was and Prisilla had a different gate on Uruha's side. I realized I was UBER stupid and didn't bring any water. DURRR.... Not smart AT ALL. There was a girl walking around selling Juice so I bought a few boxes, but my throat was already hurting from earlier in the day so I ended up drinking them before the show started. 30 minutes into waiting I was like fuck i need to pee xD; Really, really should have gone at the hotel, but I didn't think of it. I ran back up the stairs to look for the bathrooms, but the line for it was RIDICULOUS. Like, went all the way down 4-5 flights of stairs ridiculous. I basically was like fuck it I'll hold it, and started making my way back to the doors to the Arena. In my moving around, i went through a less trodded areas and I bumped into someone I SWEAR IT WAS SHOU from A9!! I took like four more steps before it clicked and when I whirled around a bunch of staff was ushering him and a few others who's backs were to me around a corner. I'm not SURE, but I THINK IT WAS. A staff member gave me a what-are-you-doing-suspicious-foreigner look and so I hurried back to the Arena instead of investigating.

We'd talked about wanting to do the "GA-ZE-TO! GA-ZE-TO!" before the concert, but I was too shy to start it LOL I wanted toooo but was too shy. Haruhi did though~ Cause she's brave LOL At 6, the scheduled time for it to start, she started, so I joined in and a few other people around us did too. I don't know how loud it was, because the arena made it really hard to hear what the rest of the Dome was doing, but it was pretty cool. I always expect bands performing at big arenas to be really late, so I was surprised when the Dome became dark only 10 minutes after 6. Taina said later that they're almost ALWAYS at least 10 minutes late, but 10 minutes is better then like an hour... or FIVE. Versailles! grrrrr I barely registered that someone was making announcements before the Dome went dark and the SE started.



01. Red
03. Hyena
04. 赤いワンピース
05. Psychedelic Heroine
07. ガンジスに紅い薔薇
09. Bath Room
16. Filth in the beauty

EN1-01. Ride with the ROCKERS
EN1-02. Nausea & Shudder
EN1-04. Ruder
EN1-05. 関東土下座組合
EN1-06. LINDA~candydive Pinky heaven~

EN2-01. 枯詩
EN2-02. 未成年


I love love love SEs! I have all of them on my ipod and a while ago, Ruki mentioned maybe making a compilation of all the SEs and I was like EEEE YEEEEESSS. Of course, no word on that yet. I was unsure of what to do, mostly because I was distracted by the video on the screen and then the light show. The video was off those MONSTER crows Japan has with Kanjis in between. After the screen went dark, a lazer beam shown down and started outlining the rectangle frame on the stage, going through each bar before it was filled. Kai came out first, and there was only one thought going through my head. It was not "OMG GAZETTE" or "OMG I CANT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING". It was "YESSSSS PONY TAIL!!! KAI HAS A PONY TAIL!!!!!" I was so excited about that, I didn't notice Reita coming out and the only reason I noticed Uruha was because he came out with his arms out like "WHAT?! WHAT BITCHES WHAT?!" Aoi also barely got noticed LOL I REALLY LIKE KAI WITH PONY TAIL OKAY?! Ruki came out and Kai was quickly forgotten lol. I really thought that I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off Aoi, because... I mean he was RIGHT THERE! Right in front of me!! But no... I think it was because Aoi was in black and I had a FIRE pit in my way of Reita, but Ruki had my eyes almost the ENTIRE live.

I really had no idea what to expect for the first song. In other reports, I read that everyone's thought when the stage turned red was "RED". My thought was simply "EEE!!" Because it wasn't a song I've seen Live before, I wasn't sure what to do (bounce? headbang? stand there like a tree?) I watched the Heresy members in front of me for what to do, so it was really just a combination of headbanging and bouncing. The sound and lights were all so crisp and clear, I really thought for a while that I wasn't really at a live, but at home watching a DVD lol

AGONY & Hyena
These two songs completely blurred into one another, I don't remember much that happened during them because they're not really my favorites. I like them, but I don't like them. I like watching the fans during live DVDs, but besides jumping I wasn't sure what to do during the songs, but again, I watched the Heresy members and Taina to see wtf to do lol

I think it was during Hyena that I noticed Aoi's hair. He'd tweeted earlier about 'Pink and Purple', but that had been long after i'd left to go to Dome, so I missed it. I kept looking at him and being like *frowns* ....is his hair pink and purple? Nah it's the light. *two minutes later* *frooooowns* ......... LOL it was very confusing derp moment. I kept getting distracted by little things going on. During Hyena, I watched Ruki and Uruha do their little fan service thing, but was too busy frowning at Aoi's hair to see the kiss LOL And... I was expecting SOMETHING during Hyena, like fire, or something, but the fireworks startled the shit out of me and they were WAY too close heheh I was temporarily blinded and hackign up a lung for a little while.

AKAI ONE PIECE!!!! I was SO surprised to hear this so early, but BUT BUT It was one of the songs I REALLY wanted to hear live! I've wanted to do the furifuri since I saw it in NLSG. Uruha walked down the center cat walk, but I was UNAWARE that I could actually run over there. I saw some people do it, but that didn't mean I COULD and there's no way I'd do something that could possibly get me thrown out LOL He was out there for a while/went out later in the song because during the pause, he did the solo start up on the cat walk facing the rest of the stage. And the furi was LOTS of fun! xD

Psychedelic Heroine
Psychedelic is one of those songs I always forget I like. And that is completely Ruki's fault. I'd probably forget about it completely if it wasn't for the RUKI PORNZ. Watching Ruki rub all over himself makes it very hard to do any furi or watch anything else. I remember seeing glimpses of kai on the screen but... *shrugs* Ruki. Hands. Crotch. Hip thrusting. Yeah that's all I remember.

Shiver is good live... but kinda... generic? Like it sounds the same as the CD and other lives I've seen it. Though I always expect fireworks at the beginning, but there weren't any so I was kinda confused LOL

GYAH I don't even LIKE this song and I screamed when the tsu-tsu-tsu started and tsu-tsu-tsu'd alone with the voice over LOL The song was fun to dance to and the hand motions were really fast. There was also FIRE. LOTS of fire. It was REALLY hot and I was like what? 16-10 rows away? I can't imagine how hot it must have been on stage. It was at this point I realized that I'd looked at no one but Ruki so I tried to look at the others. Uruha I could BARELY see cause he was soooo far away it seemed and I was really sad that all I could see of Kai was a flying pony tail |D ((pony taaaaaail)) Aoi I tried to watch, but he kept disappearing into the black background and Reita was blocked by FIRE. So... my eyes went back to Ruki.

T-this song.... is so beautiful.... Before the SE I saw the staff doing tuning checks on Uruha's side and noticed the acoustic guitar. I was excited because there aren't many songs Uruha plays the acoustic in. When Pledge started the whole audience seemed to get still, the stage was blue and a giant discoball came from the top of the stage, but it didn't get hit with the lights till the end. The Heresy members in front of me were just stark still, but I swayed to the music. It's really gorgeous live.

Even though I wanted so badly to watch the guys (or the screen) I found myself closing my eyes to listen to it. It was so beautiful and Ruki's voice was echoing around from the high ceilings. I started to look back at the audience to see everyone's reactions, but I didn't get far. My eyes drifted to the ridiculously high ceilings and I finally really knew that I wasn't watching a DVD at home, but I was really standing in Tokyo Dome, watching my favorite band for the first time with my own eyes. The hard work I did, the stress of researching and planning and savings all washed over me because it was all worth it and I started to cry because I've never been so happy in my entire life.

Bath Room
AHH BATHROOM. I hated you so much when I first heard you... in the dark... in bed... you creepy drips of water. *shudders* However, this is a good song live. Ruki 'performed' on the stage with the drops of water going, spinning around 'looking' for the source. The screen above showed a shower drain with blood flowing into it. At the end of the song, a whole lot of blood poured into it. It was morbidly awesome.

This song was SO AWESOME omggg..... There was a long pause when the music swelled and my breath caught in my throat cause I could FEEL it coming. Except I COMPLETELY missed the beginning of the song because I was staring transfixed at the light show and even Ruki's epic scream at the beginning was just blended into the opening music as I was staring at this thing.

A beam of light shown from the back of the arena to the stage, then slowly spread out right and left. It felt very ominous, but... like safe ((that sounds really dumb sorry LOL that's just how I FELT)) Like it was a big sheet hanging over us. Inside the two beams of light was the source of my distraction. I thought at first that it was just the smoke catching the light, but the more I looked at it, the more I realized that it was a hologram or something. Eventually (I think) it moved to shine down on Ruki's stage so when he's on his knees singing he was sort of inside the hologram. It was a really cool effect. I love how this song is a slow song, but still so hard. Dim is definitely my favorite album.

I think Ruki talked for a bit here, but I can't remember. I was like grr I can't understand damnit, so I looked at the others. Mainly at Aoi, shaking my head again over why his hair looked pink (I had trouble really believing that he dyed it till I got home and Koto told me he tweeted about it). Then I started to look at Ruki, but didn't get passed Kai because he was taking his jacket off. h-heerrooo....

This song was my #1 most played song on my ipod until the great ipod catastrophy where I lost all my data that I'd most carefully collected and had to start from scratch again. I loved it on the Single, I loved it on Dim, I loved it during Dim Scene -09-.... I just really like the song. I always look for the psycho spazz Ruki did at the beginning during Dim Scene, but MAYBE he realized that was NOT a good idea to do because I haven't seen him do it since. I waited to see if he'd do it before throwing myself into the headbanging, but he didn't *SIGH*

I LEARNED something during this song. It was always my understanding that there is no moshing during Gazette lives. Apparently there IS, but it is not the violent people throwing moshing that we do in America. It's basically dancing around falling over each other. It looked like fun, but I was still not thinking that I could go into a section that wasn't mine and that the Heresy members there might be like NO. even though I'm also Heresy, but THEY don't know that.

Also. Ruki's creepy laugh. It gets cuter every time I hear it. Even though I know that's not really his intentions. It's just cute.

My T.U.K. boots that my roommate bought me for christmas are awesome fyi. If you ever wonder what sort of boots to invest in, T.U.K. I wore these boots on the plane, walking around and to the concert. I didn't get a single blister or sore feet the whole time. I point this out here, in the middle of the live report, because this is when I first noticed it. During the FALL! DOWN! part, I was jumping as high as I could~ And headbanging and furi~ and dancing~ It was so much fun!

I LOVE THIS SONG! But, like IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAOS, I'm not sure i like it live... Still I sang along through the whole song. Remember when I said the Dome made it hard to hear what the rest of the Dome was doing? I was singing and listening for the fans to sing the "[Countless tears] [Timeless scene] [Nameless liberty]" I THINK they were, but I'm not sure because I couldn't hear anything except for the people directly around me.

Not one of my favorite songs, but it's SO much fun live! I knew the furi from watching passed lives and goddamn I got a good workout from it!

Okay sooo up till now I was wearing my blue hair. Apparently not many people knew I wore wigs sorry |D; I'm not like... 100% confident without them in public.. like maybe not even 35% confident without. However, it's fucking DISCHARGE and I wanted to go ALL OUT. So I took it off and stuffed it under my chair with my bag and started headbanging. I was SO exhausted from COCKROACH, and my throat hurt so bad and my arms were sore. I really just wanted to collapse on the nice cool floor, but there's no way I could for Discharge. You just can't. It's not a rule, it's more like a calling. The song stripped away my exhaustion and gave me the energy to continue.

During this song, Ruki came down the catwalk and... remember when I said that I didn't go when Uruha did cause I was worried about doign somethign wrong? Well I decided I didn't care cause it's RUKI and I LOVE Ruki! I ran over and grabbed the rail and was quickly crushed against it as people piled up behind me. I screamed and headbanged at him, and I meant to really watch HIM because he was SOOOO PAINFULLY close, but my eyes sort of started at his face, and instantly dropped to his legs. That boy has some NICE legs. And those pants did a NICE job of highlighting all those NICE curves. So I stopped headbanging and just stared like a moron for a while watching him walk passed. PLEDGE made me realize 'omg I'm REALLY here', but for some reason watching the way Ruki walked (cause you know like everyone walks differently, even if it's just a slight difference), made me realize 'omg he's real...he's a real person and he's standing FIVE FEET AWAY FROM ME'.

After he walked back the staff member tried to herd us back to our seats and I was really reluctant to go... I wanted to hang onto the rail and watch because I had a really perfect view of Kai from there and I'd barely seen him the whole time, but i caved and ran back to finish the song.

Filth in the beauty
Eeee!!! i'm SO excited I got to hear this song live. It was one of the first songs I really really loved and learned the words to, so getting to hear it live in person was awesome~ I was surprised that I didn't get extremely dizzy doing the headspinning thing, just like half a second then I was fine and singing along again.

After the guys started walking off the stage, all my exhaustion came back and I practically collapsed on the floor gasping for breath. I felt light headed and ready to pass out, but a few people around us had water so I stole a gulp from a few people then just sat on the floor going 'EN-CO-RE!' I was really worried I'd pass out but DETERMINED NOT TO. After a minute of calling for the encore on the floor I stood up and kept shouting.

Ride with the ROCKERS
I didn't really get enough of a break to really get into RWTR... and I felt bad, but it was REALLY short too o_o I don't remember if they played anything extra after Aoi and Uruha came back out.

When we were still calling for the Encore, the lady next to me pulled out a pair of binoculars and when I asked (or well tried to ask, she didn't speak much english) she pointed at the stage and went KAI! LOL aww xD I wouldn't have thought of that~ She pulled them out to watch him when he came out and did his MC, then put them away. Later that night when i was at my hotel I realized I should have asked to borrow them to look back at the stands to the Balcony where there were only a few small groups of people. I assume they were friends and family and other PSC bands. Damnit xD I should have asked and looked at them all hahaha

Okay um... Reita, Aoi and Kai had on the white "DIRTY" t shirts, but this was when I finally really SAW Uruha. I'd seen him off and on during the Main part, but never really... LOOKED at him. YOU CANT MISS HIM NOW! I swear they took the excess fabric from Ruki's Red outfit and made this.... dress. A very... very sparkly dress.

Nausea & Shudder
I stole another sip of water from someone right before Ruki came back out (in all black cardigan type thing with uber ripped up pants/leggins/REALLY TIGHT THINGS ON HIS LEGS), so I was like *battle mode* I WILL NOT PASS OUT I WILL ROCK ON! I watched them sorta wander around the stage until they all gathered at the drums and I was like wtf is taking so long LOL is something wrong? Then Uruha began Nausea and I was like OOOH xDDD YAY!!! ((side note: when watching this song live, it always looks like Ruki's chewing gum at the beginning. If he is, that's not a good idea xD you can choke and die from singing and chewing gum at the same time)). When they started HAAA XDDD I LAWLED so hard because when they all split up at the beginning to do their spinning things, I watched Ruki do his spin... in UBER SLOW ALMOST BACKWARDS SLOW MOTION XDDD I was like wtf is the point of spinning if you're going to do it THAT slow?! Like Reita does it *spinspin* Ruki's was *spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.......spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin*

Besides learning the furi for the song by watching the Heresy in front of me, that's all I remember from this song xD

I wasn't expecting this sooong~ It took me a second or two to place it, but as soon as it did, my eyes ZOOMED to Aoi to watch his dork dance. HE DID THE DORK DANCE~ After that I did the furi with the others, REALLY happy I knew it, but I kept feeling off beat with the others around me, but it was still fun. There was soo much Ruki hip wiggle, but not enough that it left a permanent implant on my brain.

For some reason, later in the night, I could have sworn that this song was much earlier in the setlist. I knew it was there, but I think I got it mixed up with Akai in the Setlist, oh well. When Ruki first began the "What am I?! What am I?!" I don't think anyone replied the first time xDDD at least... I didn't hear anyone, but again Dome, can't hear. The second time I screamed out RUDER!! despite the fact that I literally had no voice at that point, but somehow forced sound out and it didn't sound like I cracked all that bad xDDD I was worried between songs, I wanted to yell their names, but I could just feel that my voice would break from it.

This song is so much fun to bounce and dance to~ During Aoi and Uruha's solo together they jumped up on Ruki's platform and poked each other a few times. Ruki walked down the middle catwalk again, but then Aoi walked down one of the wings and I was TOTALLY torn on where to go, so I think I stayed by my seat LOL

I knew this song was coming before Ruki even began the "WELCOME TO HELL" thing... (at least that's what translations have told me it means, I've always wanted to know WHAT it is exactly he says in Japanese (like written in japanese) so if anyone knows and wants to indulge please tell me). Ruki was yelling, we were yelling back, the instruments hadnt' quite died down and I turned to Haruhi and went Kantou! *__* and then he said it and I THREW myself down on the floor. I have always always always WANTED to do that ever since I saw the fans doing it during Dim Scene. A bunch of people have asked 'why would you do that? all the good stuff happens during kantou just watch!" but nooooo I want to be on the floor headbanging like crazy! So I did. And it was awesome.

I didn't stay down for long, just the opening part. I jumped up and started doing the furi for it and then Aoi walked down the middle catwalk and I sort of teleported over to the rail XDDD I srsly like BOLTED passed Taina and Doreen to lean over the rail. Everyone on my side was like "AOIIIII!!!!!!!!!" He sort like stopped and did a double take at us ((HE LOOKED AT ME!!!!! AOI LOOKED AT ME!!!!!)), gave us that doofus up-to-no-good grin and wiggled his butt at us before continuing.

EDIT: At this point, everyone was leaning towards Aoi cause he'd just... you know wiggled his butt at us xD I'd seen enough and turned to look at Kai cause I knew I had a good spot to see him in. However, instead of Kai, I noticed the ground camera man coming up the aisle in between the rail and the catwalk. Instead of filming Aoi, he was filming the fans reaching towards Aoi. I seemed to be the only person who noticed the camera, SO, COMPLETELY WITHOUT THINKING, I went "RAWR!!! >DDDD *devil horns*" at the camera as it got to me.

Of course, if you remember what I said at the beginning of Discharge, I'm not very comfortable without my wig on... which includes photos of any form that I myself dont' take. So the second the camera went passed me I went *PALMFACE* WHY THE FUCK DID I DO THAT?!?!?! That's TOTALLY the shit that gets put on the DVD... Part of me is like 'shitshit I hope not' and part of me is like 'I really wanna see myself TwT;;;'. TORN!!! Wtf was I THINKING?! Oh, right. I wasn't.

During Aoi's solo, I once again ignored my scratchy non existent voice to scream his name cause aaaaaaah!!!!!! I love that solo~ I can't wait to see it on the DVD. Ruki wandered over to the Left wing on Aoi's side, so I left my spot on the rail to run over there, just in time to get a face full of holy water as he spit a mouthful all over me and a few other people around me. My first thought was OMG EEEEWWWWWWW, which quickly turned into "i'm never washing my face again." LOL I did not, however, get jizzed on like the crowd further down the catwalk as Ruki jerked off with his water bottle.

Near the end of Kantou I was sort of back at my seat and sort of... just... okay I don't remember where I was standing because I think I was just slowly edging my way over to the Heresy members. They were doing that aisle headbanging where they've all got their arms around each other doing it in sync. I was like *_* I wanna do thattt... but I didn't want to really just push my way through and again, i didn't know whether or not they'd be like "ew fuck off". The three girls on the end saw me staring wistfully at them and quickly made room, opening their arms up to motion me over. (which of course made me SO happy) I ran over and got down with them and made room for a few others and we all headbanged the last minute or two of Kantou together and went nuts together in the last part. I was slightly worried that I'd bash heads with people cause we were all REALLY close together, but all we really got was our hair in each other's faces. I thought I squealed in my head, but I think I squealed outloud along with the cheering because the girl next to me and the girl across from me both grabbed my hands and squealed with me. Online there always seems to be this weird drama going on with fans. Whether it's Heresy - Non-Heresy or foreigners - Non-foreigners. At this live, there was NONE of that (that I saw). There was just total acceptance and happiness that I think the whole place was just bursting with it. EVERYONE was having so much fun and no one cared who you were or on what non-existent 'line' you were on (H/N-H/F/N-F). It was amazing.

LINDA~candydive Pinky heaven~
I don't remember much that happened during Linda. I clapped and jumped at the beginning and danced around. Similar to Cockroach, I basically got a nice work out for the song LOL I do remember that Aoi, Uruha and Reita were on the Catwalk together being dorks, and it was UBER cute, but I was crushed against a rail and still like.. furi-ing... ((this may have been during Kantou, but i can't remember))

In Linda, for some reason I always hear "Damn you slut" instead of "devil's smile" and it always makes me laugh xD I still heard it during the live and it made me laugh a lot. The dancing was fun too xD the bouncy arm swinging thing when Ruki 'rapped' heheh Everywhere you looked people were dancing and had HUGE smiles. Obviously everyone was having loads of fun X3

After Linda the guys left the stage again and we were definitely all shouting EN-CO-RE before they had even really stepped out of view. The exhaustion I'd had earlier on was completely gone. I was full of energy (though I still barely had a voice) and kept calling EN-CO-RE.

I never really liked this song actually. It's not very... significant in any genre gazette puts out imho. However... something about the way Ruki introduced it, even though I had no idea what he said, made it sound special. I'm pretty sure I've only heard the song maybe... five times ever, but I still found myself singing along cause I somehow new the words and it was pretty. And made me tear up again.

After Kare Uta, Ruki started talking again. He walked up the catwalk again and I ran over with Coral (and probably the others too? I only saw Coral cause she was right next to me) to lean against the rail to watch and listen. I didn't understand a single word, but I got the feel for what he was saying. He kept having to stop and he wasn't really looking at us. He was sorta like... 9_9 *words*.......... 9_____9; *more words* It was pretty clear he was trying not to cry and I guess he thought that if he looked at all of us staring up at him he'd choke. He stopped and stood still for a moment right in front of us and we were all yelling "Ganbare!" to him and he finally went "SHHHH!" and sort of glanced in our direction. It was funny because everyone instantly DROPPED our arms and got really quiet. Coral and I both went "O-O okay." which sounded much more audible to me and to my memory then it probably was, but it made us snicker a little to each other. When he glanced at us, I could see his face and his eyes were HUGE and shiny and I was like TT__TT BAWW and started sniffing again, but I wasn't ready to cry JUST yet. When Ruki went back to center stage, we got ushered back to our seats before he announced the last song.

When Ruki yelled "MISEINEN" I thought my legs would give out. ((actually I think they almost did, I just sort of half fell over while still standing with my face in my hands))) Of all the songs I wanted to hear, I wanted this one the most. It's not necessarily my favorite song, but I love it. It was the last song of the first live I ever watched (NLSG), and I wanted it to be the last song of the first live I ever attended. I started bawling my eyes out like I never would have imagined I'd do in public the second the guitars started. Of course, this lasted barely a second because streamers were SHOT out into the crowd and I looked up to watch them fall. Streamers are EXTREMELY slow fallers. I was like *grr* come on already!! They were also really really long and I ended up breaking them off on two ends because no one could figure out where they ended. Once I secured my own handful, I went back to watching, but I could barely see anything because I was still crying. I sang into the streamers because well.... I didn't want to just stand there sob face LOL there was a camera close by.

Every so often I'd glance around because the stage was so bright it hurt my weepy eyes. I'd think I was done crying, but then I'd see Jess sobbing, which made me cry again... and apparently I had the same effect on her, so it was just one big sob fest. Ruki kept having to pause and collect himself during the song which really only made me want to cry harder... they showed Kai on the screen for a long period and he was clearly crying already which actually DID make me cry harder.

After it was over, Ruki sank to his knees behind the platform and bent his head down. Reita, Aoi and Uruha passed off their guitars and Kai slowly started to drag himself from behind the drums. I was crying, but not as much as I had been during the song, just teary-eyed watching them. I clapped and yelled with everyone else and at one point I noticed that Aoi had his back to us for a LONG time. I was like 'omg AOI'S crying?!' and then he turned around and the camera showed him and T^T yup... mr stoic was crying. Reita walked off stage for a little while, but came out not too much longer. Ruki finally stood up and,after there was a group hug, started talking again. Every time he paused to look out at us, everyone yelled "ARIGATO!" or various forms of thank yous. As they were standing there, Reita looked like he was trying REALLY hard not to cry, but then Ruki reached over and patted his back and it was like he pushed the "CRY NOW" button because suddenly Reita was bawling into his hoodie. Aoi was standing with his hands on his hips chewing on his lip with an uber sad pathetic look on his face. After he started talking, Ruki didn't cry, and I couldn't see Uruha or Kai very well, but I knew they were at least teary faced.

Finally, they all took hands and I saw other people taking each others hands, so I ran over to where Coral, Jess and Tiara were. Coral was the first Gazette fan friend that I ever really met and hung out with and I wanted to jump holding her hand. After we jumped, Ruki sort of... Fell to the ground, pulling Kai down with him. It was kinda cute because all I could see were Ruki's feet sticking up in the air LOL. The guitarists were looking down at them crying again and DAMNIT it was the perfect Dog pile moment and they didnt' do it! It really looked like they would! After they stood up, they didn't really seem in all that of a hurry to leave. They sorta just wandered around going to each side (though not the catwalks that I saw) and bowed and threw picks and such. Ruki walked up the center cat walk again and I ran over to yell "arigato" with everyone else. He walked paused every so often to bow to each side until he got to the end where he bowed to all three ends. At the stage, the others sort of gathered to sit on Ruki's platform waiting for him to come back. He did, pausing every so often to pick up a streamer or two, which he tossed over Reita's head. He said a few other things, but the only one I understood and remember is the "I love you!", then they all started filing out one by one. Kai, of course, was the last one to leave and threw his drum sticks ((ONE LANDED LIKE TWO ROWS IN FRONT OF ME)) before leaving. It was really awesome because right before he disappeared, he looked back at us and even from my seat, I didnt need all the screens on his face to see his HUGE smile.

The lights dimmed and I sank to the floor, sobbing into my knees. I felt Haruhi pat my shoulder, but I couldn't do anything but cry. It was one of those feelings where you're like 'I could die right now and would have no regrets. The credits started rolling and I looked up to watch them, still crying into my streamers. Then they showed "NEXT SCENE" on the screen, and I tried to cheer with everyone else, but it probably sounded like a dying cat cause I was crying. In fact, I think I cried a good half out after the live was over. They showed the announcement for the DVD and everyone cheered... well it sorta went like this:

Us: YAY!!
Screen: DVD
Us: YAY!!!!!


Screen: AND
Us: yay?
Us: YAY!!!!


Screen: AND
Us: o_O yay!
Us: YAAAAY!!!!!


Screen: AND
Us: |D yaaay!

I was still on the floor crying when the lights came on. Jess came over and gave me a big hug and we just held each other and cried more. There was some announcement going on and I heard someone say 'oh they're dismissing us by section'. Which was genius because there were A LOT of people at this live. It was also good cause it gave me time to stop crying and just sit there being happy and exhausted on the floor. Finally, we all got up to leave, wiped our faces and stumbled up the stairs. I'd cried so much I think I couldn't cry anymore lol. But I didn't care cause EVERYONE seemed to be crying. We got outside and I had a small, evil 'ha-ha' moment because there was a really strong fan that came down on us as we left the gates and the girls who came out after me when I turned around to wait for the others screamed in horror because the fan fucked with their UBER big hair.

After we all gathered, we went to the Heresy/Ticket booth cause thats where we said we'd meet each other again. I was supposed to meet Hanako-chan there too, but I didn't see her. Then I saw that !!!! They were STILL giving out the Heresy present!! I hadn't gotten mine yet and I was really sad, but I turned to Haruhi because I some how lost the others in the crowd and I was like "i'm going to stand in line, can you tell them where I was, then we'll all go home together!" She was like okay! And we split up. While I waited in line, I 'talked' to a few of the other Heresy members (aka we commented on our outfits/shirts/hair/the concert in the forms of 'oooh' and 'kawaiii~' and 'sugoi~!!') I finally got to the booth (after only like five minutes, the lines were really quick) and got my DVD and card for a mobile phone (which I couldn't use and never found out what it did) then hurried to where everyone was meeting. They decided to go back to the hotel, but I was like "Wait I have to meet Hanako-chan! I'll meet you up there later. I'll hang out for ten more minutes." So I hung around and peered around wondering if anyone was Hanako-chan... I'd only seen one pic of her ever which was her twitter pic, so I wasn't sure. After about 15 minutes, I gave up and went back to the hotel. I met up with Doreen and Taina on the way back and bought some juice in the nearest vending machine to hydrate myself and coat my throat a bit.

We were all piled on the beds in Jess, Coral and Tiara's room, all being exhausted and just reflecting on the live itself. We laughed and giggled and squealed over parts we remembered and I definitely got all teary again because.... It was just so great to just sit there with friends. And so amazing that five guys who totally don't know we exist brought us 9 (?) strangers together as friends. Just sitting there thinking of the five month build up of events that lead to all of us meeting for this amazing concert we just witnessed. We also talked about the stuff we got during the Merch sale and I gave Sharon a little present. I'd gotten a bunch of cards in my Black Moral Pack that I already had and gave her the Reita one cause I knew she loved Reita. O.M.G. Sharon=epic cuteness!!! She stared at me with these HUUUGE eyes and was like 'I'll never forget this everrrr' and I died from the cute. Srsly my brain like turned off for a few seconds.

At some point during a pause, I flipped out because I realized that Haruhi wasn't with us. I asked what happened and Jess was like "she told us where you were, then left!" So uber panic because... well I'm a big sister and my big sister mode is VERY INTENSE. It had been quite some time since I'd last seen her and I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to find her if I ran out now. Doreen mentioned about the last train, so we all hugged and left together. I realized later that we should have gotten our picture all together, but none of us were thinking very clear. In fact, it all felt like... we were so close that we were just going to bed and we'd see each other again really soon. Later in the night, I realized that and felt sad that I didn't really give proper good byes to the others because... well it really felt that we were close friends who'd probably see each other the next day, even though I didn't see most of them for the rest of my trip.

Doreen and I went around Dome again, me looking for Haruhi again, but I didnt' see her. We were both really quiet on the way home, I think we were both exhausted and drained. When I got back to the hotel we climbed up and dumped out stuff down on the floor. I got on the computer to tell Kotochan about the live and to send a message to Haruhi's LJ because I had no other way of contacting her and Doreen went to bed (after a shower I think?). I stayed up a bit before climbing into bed myself.

At about 2-3AM, I woke up in SO much pain. My throat hurt so badly I could barely breath, my whole body ached from the live. For some reason, waking up in pain really freaked my half awake self out and... so I crawled to the bathroom. I dunno. Bathroom felt safe. I got in the shower and just sat in the bottom of the tub for about an hour letting the hot water easy my muscles up. I really wanted to run a bath, but I was so exhausted that I knew that if I did, I'd fall asleep in the water and possibly die xD; I was sooo out of it, but managed to stay awake. Just sort of... drifted in that place between sleeping and awake, where you're barely even in your body.

It was nice. After that, I felt better and crawled back into my corner of the bed Doreen and I were sharing and went to sleep.

The end!

Monday is Odaiba, so hopefully I'll get that out soon! If I forgot anything I'm sorry~!!! If you were with me and remember something please tell me *_*

♥ Part 1
♥ Part 2
♥ Part 3

japan, the gazette, live report

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