20th Anniversary European Bike Adventure Part 6: Twas the night before bike trip.

May 16, 2019 14:46

Last post before we leave! And that title is moderately misleading. Our flight isn't until 6:35pm tomorrow. I will be at work until lunch tomorrow. So it doesn't REALLY feel like it's here yet. But it nearly is!

And we're nearly ready.

The bikes are boxed. Our first box was too small, but after we got two appropriately-sized boxes, Matt got the bikes disassembled and boxed up with no major difficulties.

Snug in their boxes.

Our gear is packed. We learned a lot at Easter Hill Country Tour about what we did and didn't need, and I think I did a fairly good job of bringing most things I NEED, and not a ton of unnecessary things. It feels like a whole lot, but not very much at all, at the same time.

Hopefully all the stuff I'll need for 3 weeks of cycling.

All my stuff in its bags.

The dogs are dropped off. They will be at summer camp with Matt's coworker's two dogs for 3 weeks. Hopefully they all get along. Hopefully Matt's coworker and her family don't want to kill our dogs before this is over. Hopefully we don't cut our trip short just because we miss our dogs so much.

Maverick, who told me he plans to pester Enzo endlessly for the whole 3 weeks.

The Super Shuttle is ordered. We've never used a Super Shuttle before, but hopefully it will fit all our stuff. And show up on time. And we can manage to drag all our boxes into the airport.

And then a long, but thankfully direct, flight to London.

I find it tremendously amusing that we've got this trip intricately planned out. We have lodging for every city already booked, and other than our Mooseworld cabin, already paid for. We have train tickets and ferry tickets and bus tickets. We're on top of everything.

Except, as it turns out, day 1! We still don't have a really clear idea how we're getting ourselves and our bikes across London to the appropriate train station to begin our journey!

But we'll figure it out. We have options. And a lot of time. And it's supposed to be an adventure, right?

So we're as ready as we're going to be. I'm starting to get a little nervous. Trista compared it to Ironman. It's easy (if painful) to shell out of a bunch of money. It's painful, but manageable, to do the training. And then you show up at the start line, and you're like, "Oh, shit, what in the world have I gotten myself into?!"

But there's two things I know: We're gonna have a blast, and we will document the hell out of it for everyone following along back at home.

20thanniversaryeuropeanbikeadventure, bikes, kerrville, vacation, touring, matt

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