As usual, mostly a billion pictures.
I know a lot of people are happy to kick 2016 out the door, but really it was a pretty good year for me.
On the fitness front, I helped Kate train for her first triathlon, and in doing so, trained myself to do my
first (sprint) tri since
Then we headed to Colorado and did the
Collegiate Peaks 25 miler, which was a fun trip that just happened to contain a long run. More on that in the travel section.
The big event of the year was obviously the
Tahoe Triple. It's so much fun to go into a race(s) having no idea if it's even possible, and finding out it is. I'm super proud of this, even though at this point the concept of running 3 marathons in 3 days seems improbable to impossible again.
Training totals for 2016:
Swim: 49h 22m 03s - 151739 Yd
Bike: 103h 25m 14s - 1579.81 Mi
Run: 269h 53m 39s - 1590.87 Mi
Total: ~422 hours
Significantly less swimming than
last year, but surprisingly I think this was my highest volume running year ever, at 1590.87 miles. I guess it shouldn't be too surprising, with the Tahoe Triple training, but outside of that training, it wasn't a particularly high volume running year. Still, 270 more miles than my previous highest year,
Ultraman training in 2014.
My triumphant return to Masters. I'm so happy to be back.
On the travel front, it was a solid year.
Our trip to Colorado was really great. The dogs got to see snow for the first time, we had a week to just hang out with each other and the dogs, hiking and biking and eating and relaxing. Then we got to hang out with our favorite Philly friends for a few days, doing more eating and drinking and hiking. Overall one of my favorite trips ever.
Tahoe was a shorter trip, rather surgical strike, but still amazing. 3 marathons around the lake gave us plenty of time to sight see while running, and we got to hang out with some great friends before, during and after. Then a little bonus hike before heading home.
And finally our annual Christmas in Concan to close out the year. The weather threatened to be bad for the weekend, but it ended up being just fine, and we got in our Christmas Eve hike, lots of games, and a bonus, new this year, Polar Bear Plunge.
And finally dogs. They're still wonderful. We continue to think they're the most wonderful things in the world. I realized the other day that we managed to not board them a single night this year. Two trips they went with us (Colorado and Concan), and for Tahoe we had a sitter come take care of them. I feel good about that.
My plans for 2017 are pretty front-loaded currently. I'm going to do the Galveston 70.3 in preparation for then doing Ironman Texas. I'm excited that I have a group of friends who will be out on the course, including two first-timers. This will be my test to see if I want to continue doing long distance triathlon or move in another direction. I have no idea what direction. More distance swimming? Who knows. We'll see. Definitely more running.
And then after IMTX... not sure. That's unlike me, to not know. It'll sort itself out, though.
For now, though, onward toward IMTX. And more dog adventures!
Happy New Year to you all.
My heart.