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Comments 92

*Placeholder!* the_mighty_foot September 21 2010, 11:47:26 UTC
[In her quest to be NOt So Afraid of Outside, Foot has sbuck out of her new residence, and is currently prowling around the fountain when something lands in it, splashing her liberally with water.

Making a disgusted yowl, she backs away from it, already trying to clean the water from her fur.

It's then that she realizes there's a dog right there.

She does what any self respecting cat would do. She fluffs out.

Or, rather, she tries to; it's rather hard to do the threat fluff when your fur is plastered to your sides with water.]


shrouded_reaper September 22 2010, 06:14:39 UTC
[Oh, look... it's a CAT. Interceptor growls and takes a threatening pose, before he lets out a few sharp barks.]


the_mighty_foot September 23 2010, 00:45:51 UTC
[All right, since looking big isn't going to work, Foot tries another tactic--she hits the ground, flattening out like a pancake, and makes a kitten mew.

...Please don't hurt the kitty? :(]


shrouded_reaper September 23 2010, 04:00:36 UTC
[More barking! Interceptor is lost and confused, which just makes him angry... but he's also HUNGRY. He snarls and eyes the cat.]

[Off in the distance, Shadow is doing his usual wandering, approaching the village... when he thinks he hears something. A familiar bark. Of course last time it was just a hallucination-thing, but he can't help but head in the direction to investigate...]


esper_flight September 21 2010, 14:20:02 UTC
[Terra sputters as she chose the worst moment ever to walk by the fountain. Thanks to the splash and the fur-shaking, she's pretty drenched. But a moment later, she looks over and momentarily forgets that fact.

Is that...? Wide-eyed, Terra observes him for a moment before approaching slowly and very cautiously. He knows her, but he's understandably on edge.]



shrouded_reaper September 22 2010, 06:15:49 UTC
[More growling. Interceptor's posture becomes threatening, as he stares her down. There's something familiar about her scent, but he's not too pleased at his present state and that's currently overriding anything else.]


esper_flight September 22 2010, 12:33:00 UTC
[Terra halts, not about to go closer.]

I-It's me, Terra. Remember? Shadow's here. I can find him for you....


shrouded_reaper September 23 2010, 04:02:16 UTC
[He barks a few times at mention of a familiar name. Interceptor is just as accustomed to wandering aimlessly through the world as Shadow so he'll be less agitated by the unfamiliar surroundings with him around.]


[Action] de_bel_survivor September 21 2010, 20:15:38 UTC

[Quite wet from the splashing and the fur-shaking, Kouki take a step back and make sure there's no water in his eyes.

After wiping them out, he blinks and stare at the dog.]


[Action] shrouded_reaper September 22 2010, 06:17:53 UTC
[IT'S A STRANGER. Interceptor goes into a threatening pose, growling. See his pointy, sharp teeth that want to bite you?]

[He's been taught not to trust strangers, for good reason.]


[Action] de_bel_survivor September 22 2010, 06:26:11 UTC
[Looking at those teeth warily. Better not provoke this dog, those teeth looks like they'll hurt. A lot.]


[Action] shrouded_reaper September 23 2010, 05:30:28 UTC
[They sure will! And Interceptor snarls and growls some more, finally erupting into loud barking. Whoever you are, he doesn't know you!]

[Fortunately, Shadow's location isn't too far away, and he's fast approaching the area to investigate. He could've sworn he's heard Interceptor...]


doubleppk September 21 2010, 22:21:46 UTC
[Had it been anything else, Fujiko might have throw a tantrum. Instead she leans down with a hand out to be sniffed and pushes the hair back out of her face docilely.]

Here boy.


shrouded_reaper September 22 2010, 06:20:41 UTC
[Interceptor keeps warily growling, barking a few times to get his point across. He doesn't like strangers much.]


doubleppk September 23 2010, 01:16:37 UTC
Hey calm down pup. I won't hurt you.

[She really doesn't want to start singing in public damn it to try to calm him down. It's embarrassing.]

Here. [Holds out a bit of food, palm up.] See? No weapons.


shrouded_reaper September 23 2010, 05:32:36 UTC
[Interceptor growls some more, ever wary of this person's stranger-ness. He barks loudly a few times to get his point across, that he's unhappy. But that's especially because he's HUNGRY right now, among other things. He sniffs the food. Wary dog is wary.]

[Shadow is within hearing distance, when he catches that barking. Interceptor...? Here...? He's not too sure he believes this isn't some Malnosso trick, but he heads to the sound of the barking anyway...]


wanderer_jack September 22 2010, 15:22:25 UTC
[As he walked by the fountain, water sprayed across the samurai, making him arch his back at the sudden cold. Turning around only to find the damp brown and black mass, Jack watches it cautiously.] A dog?

[His hand does not move towards his sword as Jack pulled his hat back to try and remove some of the threatening look to the dog. It seemed obviously confused by its situation. In a gentle, calm voice he asks:] Are you lost, little one?


shrouded_reaper September 23 2010, 04:07:03 UTC
[Interceptor bares his teeth some more. You're a STRANGER, DO NOT WANT. He barks a few more times in answer, because yes, he's very lost, confused and hungry. ...and with a stranger.]


wanderer_jack September 23 2010, 04:22:59 UTC
[Jack takes several slow steps back, his hands held up plainly where the dog could see them.] I am not going to hurt you. I would like to help you find your master...
[If it has one, Jack thought with a mental grimace. Wild animals were not always his best forte. He did not have any food on him, so any bargaining or trust that way was gone. His eyes not leaving the dog, Jack took another careful step backward.] There, is that better?


shrouded_reaper September 23 2010, 05:20:47 UTC
[Good idea, he likes his space. Interceptor continues to give him the Evil Eye, dog-style. He then proceeds to barking, loudly.]

[Elsewhere in town, not too far away, Shadow catches that sound... and he's sure he's just hearing things. He'd better go check anyway though.]


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