Challenge #29

Aug 28, 2007 19:37

Please, please enter this chal, these caps are so wonderful to icon!

5.15, I Was Made to Love You
Cap #01
Cap #02
Cap #03
Cap #04
Cap #05
Cap #06
Cap #07
Cap #08
Cap #09
Cap #10
Cap #11
Cap #12
Cap #13
Cap #14

+ You can submit up to 3 icons or less.
+ Submit your icons(with image & URL) as an own post to the comm, don't comment on this challenge post.
+ Icon size has to be 100x100 or less, but not bigger than 100x100!
+ Blending is allowed.
+ You are only allowed to use these provided caps.
+ Entries are due Saturday, September 1st 8th 2007.
+ Pimping standuphair + wish_memonsters + midnightmorgue


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