Challenge #25

Jul 02, 2007 18:50

So this chal is a little different, its theme is called

Manipulated Crossovers!

This means you choose any BtVS character + a character from another fandom and blend them together, so for example you have Faith and Dean(Supernatural) in one icon.

So, please don't use the Buffy/Angel crossover episodes!
BtVS character + another fandom character = manipulated crossover^^

+ You can submit up to 4 icons or less.
+ Submit your icons(with image & URL) as an own post to the comm, don't comment on this challenge post.
+ Icon size has to be 100x100 or less, but not bigger than 100x100!
+ Blending is allowed needed.
+ Entries are due Saturday, July 7th 2007.
+ Pimping anya_lims + wish_memonsters + midnightmorgue

I'm looking forward to seeing your entries and what kind of pairings you're gonna come up with. ;D
Have fun!


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