Yeah, I saw that today as well. I don't have quite the nerd boner, but I do think it looks pretty sweet. I'm a big fan of anime, but I never really liked Speed Racer all that much. To me, it was a series of excueses to have a race every show. But when I read some fanboys criticizing the trailer, I was suprised to find that their protests included things like how the movie will never capture the intricate relationships of the cartoon, etc. I've never seen the cartoon as anything but mindless pap. But I'd love to see a Wachowski reinterpretation of said pap.
BTW...go see a Chiropractor. Does wonders for my back every time. Hope ya' feel better soon. Back pain truly sucks.
Comments 7
BTW...go see a Chiropractor. Does wonders for my back every time. Hope ya' feel better soon. Back pain truly sucks.
The trailer didn't do much for me. Maybe if I can see it at a normal size, and not the AOL thumbnail size, I'll get a better feel for it.
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