"Despise not small things, either for evil or good, for a look may work thy ruin, or a word create thy wealth. A spark is a little thing, yet it may kindle the world." - Martin Farquhar Tupper
i'm starting a nasty cycle and i need to get a grip on it, in fact starting last night i'm getting a grip on it. I just need to loosen up and not fear so much. Life will happen whether i worry about it or not and most likely i will create bad things by fearing and such is the cycle. So i quit :)
i went to bed at almost mid-night last evening and got up at 3 this morning...b/c my wicked toothache is back, in addition my lymph nodes are all swollen, i have a low grade fever and i feel like i have the flu. i have to be at work in a few hours...today is going to blow.
Jeeperz! something is out of balance...not sure what though. Perhaps something is going to happen, still have no clue of what. Might i add, i'm not feeling like a negative-nilly, quite the opposite actually but this thing, this feeling it's not necessarily bad just creepy...hell it could be something good for all i know.
omg Martha Stewart is teaching me how to make an easter basket. Scary but it gives me a grand idea hehe. In other exciting news: the ratties just tore up their hammock, bitches...but i love'em.