Huh? Radio!? It was brand-new!

Aug 06, 2009 21:59

First of all, please post the links to all the applications (regular OR theme) you have voted on:


01. Name: Katherine
02. Age: 15
03. Gender: Female
04. Is that also the gender you would like to be stamped as? Hm, it doesn't really matter.
If this is a re-stamp, feel free to tell us who you were stamped as last time and in what ways you think this person does not correspond to your personality: I haven't been stamped yet.

05. Likes: Books, writing, drawing, 20th century history, horror, surrealism, nice people, smart people, and people with good senses of humor.
06. Dislikes: Extremely cynical people, selfish people, people who enjoy being assholes, artificial cherry flavoring, and really big dogs.
07. Strengths: I'm generally a nice person, and am gentle, caring, and the peacemaker type.
08. Weaknesses: I'm very extremely naive and overly trusting, I tend to worry too much, I'm ridiculously gullible, I'm a total pushover, and I'm quite shy.

(Please provide a short explanation as well)

09. Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic, for the most part. "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst."
10. Leader or follower? It depends on the situation. For the most part, I follow, but I'll only follow if the leader is a good person.
11. Introvert or extrovert? Definitely an introvert.
12. Mature or immature? Being 15 makes my immature by default. :P But somewhere in the middle, I think, for my age.
13. Violent or peaceful? Peaceful. I prefer to avoid violence unless it's absolutely necessary (that is, somebody is being attacked).
14. Selfish or altruistic? Altruistic, and to a fault.
15. Rude or polite? Polite, also to a fault.
16. Eat here or take away? Either is fine with me.


17. How do you present yourself in the company of friends? I'm the sweet motherly one who breaks up fights and laughs a lot at stupid things.
18. And in the company of your enemies? I'm pretty quiet, but if they start hurting people (and especially my loved ones), I will rip their heads off and go Mama Bear on their asses.
19. And what about the company of strangers? I stay quiet and just listen to the conversation. I will speak up if I have something to say, though.
20. How do you react to people insulting your beliefs (your faith or your opinions in general)? I do my research and then defend my beliefs/opinions.
21. And people insulting your loved ones? Like I said, I will go Mama Bear on their asses.
22. And what about people insulting you? Usually I can't think of a comeback and just laugh them off or walk away.

23. Are you better at coping with physical or mental pain? Physical. Hot baths and pain meds don't do much for depression.
24. Are you better at defending yourself physically or verbally? Verbally. Not that I can't defend myself physically it it's absolutely necessary.
25. Do you prefer to assault people physically or verbally? I'd prefer to skip the whole assaulting thing all together. But if I have to, verbally.


26. Which Silent Hill character do you LEAST identify with and why? Dahlia Gillespie, because she's a cruel, conniving, narcissistic ass who tortured her daughter for personal gain.
27. Time to introduce you in a CUT SCENE! Are you the protagonist or somebody they meet? If you are the protagonist, then what brought you here? If not, what will you be found doing and how will you react to meeting that other person?
Protagonist (far more interesting :P), and I'm here looking for a little girl, short, black hair, just turned seven last month my loved one. Or I'm here to take pictures and oogle at the scenery, I dunno.
28. Will you stay alone or join somebody else as soon as possible? I'd like to join up with somebody, if possible.
29. Congratulations, you are now deceased! Next to your corpse, written in blood there is one sentence. What does it say? But I wasn't finished yet!
30. And which set of lyrics, either from a song or poem would you like us to remember you by?
Like a god, or a good luck charm, or a vice
And I'd open up like a child to believe it
There is no more said
There is no more real
Got sun on my back
And I remember you
31. Lastly, feel free to include one picture (no larger than 600 x 600) or a description of yourself.

.stamped, regular: lisa garland

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