Jan 12, 2008 20:54

The Silent Hill matchmaker theme is now officially CLOSED. Get your camera ready and proceed to the next step!


January and February Theme


-> You must first receive a regular stamp before applying for a theme.

-> The regular community rules still apply, so make sure you've read them carefully.

-> You must vote on three applications again before you can receive a stamp. It doesn't matter if they are theme or regular applications.

-> Instead of the usual thing put 'eyes' somewhere in the subject line, so we know that you are applying for this theme.

-> You vote applicants as any character from the games. A list of the major and most minor characters is available on our stamps page, in case you forgot.

-> As usual a few words on which aspect(s) of the applicant's appearance made you decide on your vote are always appreciated. If those few words should contain anything that insults the applicant's appearance you will be banned immediately and I will make sure to hunt you down with a very large knife.

-> Characters you did not expect to receive to be voted as do however not count as insults and therefore you should not react offended about it either. Eddie, Dahlia, Andrew or whoever it is that you may consider less attractive have more physical features than "fat" or "old". There are such things as eyes, lips, expressions or simply the way you present yourself - remember, the Maria and Mary stamps are in fact separated by just and only that.

-> In the application post three to six clear pictures of yourself. If their size exceeds 600x600 pixel, please post the links to them only. No Silent Hill cosplay pictures! Cosplay pictures of other fandoms are allowed, providing you have also included at least one picture of your "default appearance". A mixture of both head and body shots are preferred but not required.


Our mirror stamps can be found HERE.


Just for the record

Are you willing to accept cross-gender votes?

This is the point where you include three shiny links to unstamped applications you've voted on.

The Pictures

- Your pictures go here! -

Is there one character you consider yourself to look least like? If so, who and why?
Anything else you would like to add?

That is all. Enjoy!
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