Cry {Hitsugaya, Matsumoto}

May 12, 2011 13:58

Title: Cry
Characters: Toshiro, Rangiku
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1, 320
Summary: "It's okay to cry, Matsumoto." In which Matsumoto mourns and Toshiro's the covertly caring captain.
A/N: Well, due to the surprising amount of positive feedback for the previous one-shot, Rest, I've decided to turn this into a little collection of Hitsugaya-Matsumoto ( Read more... )

fc: 10_hurt_comfort, c: hitsugaya toshiro, !fanfiction, c: matsumoto rangiku, g: gen, r: pg-13

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Comments 8

afteriwake May 27 2011, 17:30:09 UTC
This was sad and beautiful. Oh, I really wanted to hug Matsumoto. And I fully support the idea of Hitsugaya ripping Aizen out of prison to kill him. That could be an interesting story in itself.


stharridan May 28 2011, 06:46:58 UTC
I think you just gave me a plot bunny. Hitsugaya ripping Aizen out of prison... x)

Anyway, thanks for the feedback!


afteriwake May 29 2011, 00:18:44 UTC
Yay for plot bunnies! Can't wait to see what you do with it.


stharridan May 29 2011, 01:03:02 UTC
May take some time before I get myself into gear to take that one on. x)

Oh, by the way, since you're a mod at the place, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now: Is bleachbigbang still in business? Because I've gotten myself into the bigbang fever just recently and I'm interested in signing up for it.


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