Rest {Toshiro, Rangiku}

Apr 26, 2011 18:04

Title: Rest
Characters: Hitsugaya Toshiro, Matsumoto Rangiku
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 707
Summary: When Toshiro returns to his office, he hadn't expected to find completed and signed paperwork alongside his unconscious lieutenant.
A/N: Written for Table 44 of 5_prompts (prompt 4: and the wind blew) and prompt #2: love of 10_hurt_comfort.

Matsumoto! )

fc: 10_hurt_comfort, c: hitsugaya toshiro, !fanfiction, c: matsumoto rangiku, g: gen, r: pg-13, fc: 5_prompts

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Comments 12

afteriwake April 26 2011, 16:34:27 UTC
I liked this so much! I love gen fic with those two, I really do, and this was wonderfully written.


stharridan April 27 2011, 05:36:27 UTC
I'm glad you liked this! Whoa, thank you so much! It's great to hear that because I've been unconfident since this is the first time I've written Toshiro and Rangiku.


amorphic April 27 2011, 13:07:14 UTC
D'awww! It's been so long since I read fic of these two but this was lovely! <333


stharridan April 27 2011, 22:22:08 UTC
Awww, thank you dear! ♥ First time writing these two, so I'm quite surprised at all the positive feedback! XD


laerkstrein May 1 2011, 04:50:59 UTC
stharridan May 1 2011, 04:56:46 UTC
Eee, Larkie's online! XD First time writing this pairing, so it felt kinda weird.


laerkstrein May 1 2011, 04:58:52 UTC
stharridan May 1 2011, 05:02:13 UTC
I don't like it that some people pair them up in a romantic relationship. It looks weird. XD I AM on's just that it freakin' logged me out! AND I BOUGHT EPISODE 315-318!!! KEEEEEEEEN-CHAAAAAAN and CHIIIIIIIRU!!! ♥


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