Sep 03, 2007 01:23
The thing about troublesome is that it seems to pile on top of itself. After the news in my last post I've found out about a few more things I'll have to deal with now... And Shino, you can quit bothering me, all right?
Also, I've decided that I really haven't avenged him yet.
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They did, and there's still no doubt that they miss him. I'm sure you have a picture you can keep on you, it's far more personal and a lot less dangerous for your health.
I... might have a picture. I'm not really one for those things. Plus, it's more of the meaning of it.
The meaning? A lot of people smoke, it's nothing special. And soon it will be your addiction and not his. Where's the meaning then?
It's a way of keeping him here until we get rid of that guy. And I keep saying I'll quit once I beat him.
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