Comms your pups belong/have belonged to: hearts_andminds, creative_muses, just_muse_me, oncoming_storms, theatrical_muse plus others, I'm sure. Fandoms you're into: Dr Who, Torchwood, Life on Mars, Dresden Files, Star Trek, Discworld... plus many others. What sort of things you post about on mun LJ: Real Life, fandoms, fic, occasional rp stuff, games I'm into. Anything else you can think of to add: Most of my stuff isn't flocked, except for stuff I don't want the world at large knowing (though I have no problems about my flist knowing - go figure). Always up for rp/whatever, so more than happy to make new friends!
Oh really? Hmmmmmm. Mind if I friend your Adam account? I'm debating a small rp community for Spooks pups - we've had an explosion at H&M, and there are AUs and the like we want to explore, if you are interested.
Sure,friend away. Here, I'll actually reply with it since I mucked my code up in the previous comment. An RP would be good, looking to make Adam more active so up for pretty much anything.
Mun LJ: kirsteena
Mun Age: 35 in a week!
Mun Location: England
Pups: hoooooooo boy
Toshiko Sato (Torchwood) aliengeekgirl
Rhys Williams (Torchwood) notmrcooper
Sam Tyler (Life on Mars) manc_tyler
Carlos Ramirez (Dresden Files) wardenramirez
Thomas Raith (Dresden Files) priestofbowflex
The Tenth Doctor (Dr Who) smith_drsmith
Nyssa (Dr Who) last_trakenite
Aziraphale (Good Omens) east_gateangel
Lucas North (Spooks) ancient_ofdays
Malcolm Wynn-Jones (Spooks) theonlyanalyst
Logan/Wolverine (X-Men) cage_brawler
Balthier (Final Fantasy 12) dashingpirate
Rupert Giles (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) onetruewatcher
Comms your pups belong/have belonged to: hearts_andminds, creative_muses, just_muse_me, oncoming_storms, theatrical_muse plus others, I'm sure.
Fandoms you're into: Dr Who, Torchwood, Life on Mars, Dresden Files, Star Trek, Discworld... plus many others.
What sort of things you post about on mun LJ: Real Life, fandoms, fic, occasional rp stuff, games I'm into.
Anything else you can think of to add:
Most of my stuff isn't flocked, except for stuff I don't want the world at large knowing (though I have no problems about my flist knowing - go figure). Always up for rp/whatever, so more than happy to make new friends!
mun, however, would laugh
Yup. Malcolm is brand spanking new, but Lucas I adore and he took over my brain...
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