RP mun friending meme

Jan 06, 2009 11:11

The last one of these I did was back in May, so it must be time for another one ( Read more... )

other: ooc

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stardustflying January 7 2009, 01:25:02 UTC
Mun Name and/or pseudonym: Jane
Mun LJ: janiejane
Mun Age: Older than you, maybe? idk who cares?
Mun Location: England
Pups: stardustflying, 10thtimelord, songofspoilers, nanboleyn, dci_gene_hunt, marquis_debauch, a_eddington, viv_ward, ginger_hustler. I'll stop there >_< The rest are on my mun journal in the sidebar.
Comms your pups belong/have belonged to: theatrical_muse, writers_muses, paradisa, tenebrae_nostro
Fandoms you're into: Doctor Who, Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes. DT - yes it's a fandom as is History! Gawwwd allsorts.
What sort of things you post about on mun LJ: RP, writing, RL, spazzy stuff, anything, books, reviews, TV, Who, kids, motivation issues, Muse ADD issues.
Anything else you can think of to add: I live on a diet of redbull, cigarettes, earl grey tea and peanut butter chunky kitkats?


rude_not_ginger January 7 2009, 01:39:34 UTC
You're doin' better than me, doll. I live on a diet of gatorade, cigarettes, and 7-11 coffee.

Imagine what could happen if the forces of our horrible habits combined?


stardustflying January 7 2009, 01:54:02 UTC
*looks up gatorade on Google* It can't be worse than Red Bull can it? xD

Healthy diets are for boring ppl I think, serious lack of much needed nicotine and caffeine. It can't be good for you to miss out on those nutrients. *nod nod*


rude_not_ginger January 7 2009, 02:03:17 UTC

... )


janiejane January 7 2009, 02:12:45 UTC
It's basically Lucozade I think, silly cross the pond differences. Only lucozade comes in different coloUrs, and combining the two would induce a similar reaction to my icon...LOL


alien_catcher January 7 2009, 17:07:28 UTC
You two are BOTH doing better than me! I live off a tea, cigarettes, and 2-day old coffee out of the coffee machine! :-/


janiejane January 7 2009, 21:08:01 UTC
You think YOU have it rough, I drink week old tea and smoke roll-ups made from dog ends in ashtrays. LUXURY! /pythonesquepun


alien_catcher January 9 2009, 03:09:28 UTC
Interwebs, we have a WINNER!!!


ambitious_woman January 7 2009, 02:13:36 UTC
Don't forget to add a love of Slipper and he Rose!

OH, I am also 'older hat you, who cares'! How lovely to meet another one!


janiejane January 7 2009, 02:29:03 UTC
Dude! I can't edit it! And yeah, age schmage!

Have the song I still want to do a Ten/Reinette vid to, if I could get the song <3


ambitious_woman January 7 2009, 06:36:35 UTC
:( Song needs to become gettable!


janiejane January 7 2009, 09:26:19 UTC
It is if I fork out for it from Amazon :/ *ponders*


janiejane January 7 2009, 09:24:34 UTC
I should also warn ppl I have a scary amount of Tennant related characters.

boredsamaritan and secretsmirk in addition to any mentioned above. XDD


aliengeekgirl January 7 2009, 13:30:15 UTC
Pffffp. I'm collecting Richard Armitage related characters - I've got ancient_ofdays, I use him as PB for Thomas priestofbowflex and I've been enabled into Guy of Gisbourne...


janiejane January 7 2009, 13:51:25 UTC
Haha! Also - you have a LoM character, a Ten - you're *almost* the same age as me, and we're both English. Are you me?


aliengeekgirl January 7 2009, 15:13:46 UTC
Technically I'm Scottish Not last time I checked *g*. Though I think everyone should have a LOM character.


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