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Comments 4

girlofjuly February 28 2009, 04:38:22 UTC
So you'd say that Tropic Thunder is worth watching? (I've never seen it, I hardly ever watch movies. I'm a terrible human being. I have seen Nick and Norah though!...because of Michael Cera, so what)


shortsweetsoul February 28 2009, 04:43:57 UTC
YES Tropic Thunder is so worth watching. It's lulzy and ridiculous and really crude, a kind of humor that I do subscribe to. :D

Oh man, don't worry. The only reason I've been to the theaters in the past two years is because my friend gets me in free. ^^;

HAHA Oh Michael Cera. I want one of him. Superbad is great, he was adorable in Juno, but I have never seen Arrested Development, which is supposed to be, like, *angelic singing*. :P


girlofjuly February 28 2009, 04:49:43 UTC
oh my GOD, you have to watch Arrested Development! I know it's like everybody's favorite show but it's seriously one of the funniest things ever. The entire cast is great and Michael Cera is ~awwww so young~ but he's exactly as awkward in AD as he is in all of his movies ♥ It's on hulu I think so you should check out an episode and see if you like it.


shortsweetsoul February 28 2009, 05:58:50 UTC
Haha, I have it in my bookmarks! Yeah, I have no excuse.


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