Quotes↔won't remember, can't forget

Jun 05, 2010 16:04

[insert coming "Quotes" graphic here]

quote archive, because I'm forgetful

quotes, my things

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Comments 14

shortsweetsoul October 5 2009, 21:23:45 UTC
For [mankind], the main troubles will stem from the fact that his culturally operated advances will race ahead of any further genetic ones. His genes will lag behind, and he will be constantly reminded that, for all his environment-molding achievements, he is still a very naked ape.

Desmond Morris, zoologist.


shortsweetsoul October 5 2009, 21:26:05 UTC
We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic cords of memory will swell when again touched as surely they will be by the better angels of our nature.

Abraham Lincoln


shortsweetsoul October 5 2009, 21:36:25 UTC
Go to America and become cops and butchers and cab drivers!

MST3K - Titanic


shortsweetsoul October 5 2009, 21:41:14 UTC
The man Jack was, above all things, a professional, or so he told himself, and he would not allow himself to smile until the job was completed.

The Graveyard Book


sequinedfairy November 21 2009, 03:48:18 UTC
okay i am totally not here and instead catching up on nano, but the graveyard book! so much love! it is so unbelievably wonderful! (i feel like we have gone over this mutual love in detail, but, whatecver.)

in return, i will quote some at you:

"Us in the graveyard, we want you to stay alive. We want you to surprise us and disappoint us and impress us and amaze us."

(also, haha, this may be a Private Post that other people are not supposed to comment on. if so: SORRY. you can totally delete this comment! i am functionally retarded!)


shortsweetsoul November 22 2009, 00:47:49 UTC
I do not think people need to ever stop going over in detail how amazing The Graveyard Book is! :D

"I was surprised at how easily it came, the crsing. Like dancing it was, when your feet pick up the steps of a new masure your ears have never heard and your head don't know and they dance it till dawn. That was how I cursed them, with my last gurgling pond-watery breath."

(continue to invade my life wherever and whenever you want. :D)


sequinedfairy November 22 2009, 00:55:18 UTC
God, I just found it and I'm rereading it, and still utterly amazed at the beauty that is it.

"I want to see life. I wast to hold i in my hands. I want to leave a footprint on the sand of a desert island. I want to play football with people," he said, and then he paused and he thought. "I want everything."

(like i would ever stop, bb)


shortsweetsoul October 5 2009, 21:47:57 UTC
"Important thing is not the me that's lying here, but the me that's sitting on the edge of the bed looking back at me, and the me that's downstairs cooking supper, or out in the garage under the car, or in the library reading. All the new parts, they count. I'm not really dying today. No person ever died that had a family."

Dandelion Wine


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