A Troyella (9/?)

Oct 22, 2012 14:48

( Chapter 8)


Chapter:  9 - Boy or Girl?

Gabby's POV

Oh that's cold. I don't think I'll EVER get used to the cold gel the doctors use before ultrasounds.

She placed the remote-looking-thing on my belly and rubbed it over my bulging stomach.

"Everything seems to be fine, Mrs. Montez," she said with a smile.

I grinned back, "It's Gabby, doctor."

"Gabby," she copied with another smile. "So, basically your little baby is perfectly healthy! Nothing wrong as far as I'm aware."

"Oh thank goodness!" I replied. She chuckled.

"Are you sure you don't want to know the gender of your little baby?" she asked once again.

"Nope. I like surprises! And besides, as long as my baby is healthy and safe like you say, I don't care if this baby's a boy or girl!" I stated. She smiled even more.

"I guess that's true!" she responded.

Later that day

I sat on my rocking chair, stared into the neighbourhood and let my mind drift. I liked doing that on beautiful days such as today.

I thought about what I said at the doctor's; although what I said was true, I wondered what gender my little child was. What happens if it's a little boy? What happens if it's a little girl?

If he's a little boy, would he be a little mama's boy or daddy's little guy? Would he like sports a lot? Or video games more? What if he was a little prep just like Ryan? Oh that would be cute. He and Ryan could practice lines with each other. Oh what a sight! But, what if he liked sports? Would he like basketball like Troy? Or soccer like my papi? Hmm, that would be cute too I guess. Seeing my little boy practice with Troy some free throws or maybe scoring goals with my dad. Or maybe even both! What about the video games though? I guess all boys like video games. Maybe he could play a game or 2 with his little friends or maybe even Chad. I chuckled at the thought.

What happens if HE is actually a SHE? If she's a little girl, would she be a mama's girl or maybe daddy's little angel? Would she be a little pretty princess who needs everything sugar coated? Would she be a little dramatic cutie? Or maybe I'm completely off and she's a little tomboy who plays with little boys rather than little girls. That would be cute. Daddy's little angel playing rough with the boys. She would always come home muddy with a princess quality smile on her face. If she was a little drama queen though, I guess I would have my hands full! I guess she could hang with Sharpay though; I think they might be besties! What if she's just a little cute princess? And I could brush her hair and paint her little toenails and have some quality mother-daughter time with her. I smiled.

Oh what fun I'll have with my little cutie - regardless if it's a boy or girl.

Lost in thought I soon decided on names. It was fun. I wanted to include the parents somehow. They surely helped a lot. Always patient with me. Then it got too hard so I decided to instead ask Troy's input on the middle names later. I also made sure - just in case - that I had a name for both a boy and a girl. I decided on the names: Jayden (the name of Troy's choice) Montez-Bolton for the boy and Alexia (the name of Troy's choice) Montez-Bolton for the girl.

I was pretty proud of the names. I now just need the names of Troy's choice for the middle.

I got up and dressed out of my pajamas into a pair of jeans and a shirt (both in maternity sizes of course). Then I walked down the stairs towards the street to have a chat in the Bolton residence.
( Chapter 10)

fic, hsm: ats, hsm: troyella, fic: hsm, fic: multichap, fic: old

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