Could You Bottle It Up? by elisabeth_grace

Dec 20, 2008 11:14

Title: Could You Bottle It Up?
Author: elisabeth_grace
Pairing: Mallory/Abby
Rating: PG
Summary: Mallory sees Abby again at the triplets' graduation party
A/N: Written for coffeecommunity, who requested the pairing, Mallory's large family, and Mallory coming out to at least one person.

I have an excellent gaydar. )

!challenge entry, character: mallory pike, challenge: 17 - mallory, pairing: abby/mallory, character: abby stevenson, written for: coffeecommunity, author: elisabeth_grace

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Comments 14

amor_demi_alma December 20 2008, 19:38:48 UTC
But then, you ARE Lissie!
The Sapphic Sisterhood thing was pure geniusness!


elisabeth_grace December 21 2008, 05:53:07 UTC
Aw, thank you. And I love that alliteration. That's why I wrote it.


poppyfields13 December 20 2008, 22:32:32 UTC
aww, i really liked this. so cute. and vanessa was hilarious. XD


elisabeth_grace December 21 2008, 05:53:59 UTC
Thank you. And I have always loved Vanessa.


shannude December 20 2008, 22:55:05 UTC
Aww, this is the cutest!! <3


elisabeth_grace December 21 2008, 05:54:16 UTC
Thank you!


glitterberrys December 20 2008, 23:32:00 UTC
Haha, I love how you've captured Vanessa. So perfect.


elisabeth_grace December 21 2008, 05:54:40 UTC
Thank you. I love Vanessa.


coffeecommunity December 21 2008, 06:31:22 UTC
I LOVE this! You did an awesome job. I think it's hilarious that Mal's trying to keep it secret and everyone seems to know. The sapphic sisterhood thing was crazy funny, and I reread "Mallory Hates Boys and Gym" last week, and Mallory's character just screams girlslash! I also really love the way you wrote Abby and the challenge. So perfectly in character. Thank you, and happy holidays!


elisabeth_grace December 21 2008, 20:19:47 UTC
Aw, I'm glad that you liked it! I figure that Mallory wouldn't have any privacy in her family, even after so many years. Happy holidays to you as well.


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