My super-early fic

Jun 19, 2006 15:43

This is early, but I wrote it and am really eager to post it. This is for ion_bond, who requested a Stacey/Janine pairing with Stacey critiquing Janine's personal style and lockers.

Rating: PG

Word Count: 1046

Please note, I am very new to fanfic writing, so that's why it's not the greatest =)

Thirteen-year-old Stacey McGill rushed out the door. It was 5:28, and if she didn’t hurry she was going to be late to her Baby-Sitters Club meeting. Luckily, the meeting was within walking distance of her house.

She opened the door (they kept in unlocked for the members), and ran up the stairs. The clock turned to 5:30 immediately after she ran into the room. “This meeting of the Baby-Sitters club will now commence!” said the club’s president, Kristy Thomas. “Wow Kristy, that sure is a big word.” Said Claudia through her giggles. The rest of the club (Dawn, Mary Anne, and Stacey after she caught her breath) burst into a fit of giggles.

Kristy shot them an icy stare that quieted them right down. “Okay, our first order of business,” she began “Jamie Newton - “ As Kristy proceeded to tell the other members about how Jamie was finally warming up to his baby sister Lucy, Stacey quietly got up to use the bathroom.

As she walked down the hall, Stacey ran into Claudia’s genius sister, Janine. “Hello, Stacey”, said Janine. “I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you.” “Of course.” Stacey said. Janine continued “See, my boyfriend wants to take me to the prom, but I have nothing to wear and, as I am sure you are aware of, buying clothing is not where my strengths lie. Could you possibly help me pick out a prom dress? I would ask Claudia, but her style of clothing is a bit too…wild for my taste. Besides, she has this art competition that she’s pouring all of her energy into.”

Stacey applauded in delight. Finally Janine Kishi was going to take her up on her offer to do a fashion makeover! “It would be my pleasure,” said Stacey. “Do you want to go to the Washington mall on Saturday?” “Great!” Janine said enthusiastically. “Can you pick me up at ten AM? I would pick you up myself, but both of my parents cars are going to be in use.” Inwardly, Stacey groaned. Saturday was her day to sleep in! However, as she saw how excited Janine was, she decided to just accept it.

The following Saturday:

That Saturday at ten AM sharp, Stacey’s mom pulled up at the Kishi’s parking lot. Janine was waiting outside the door. Janine entered the car with a grin on her face and together the three of them drove to the Washington Mall.

As they arrived, Mrs. McGill gave them her final set of instructions: “Okay, kids, I’ll pick you both up at two in Macy’s, is that okay?” “Sure, Mom, that will be fine,” Stacey said “Yes, thank you Mrs. McGill,” Janine said “Maureen, please.” Mrs. McGill and Janine smiled at each other. “Okay, Maureen, thank you.,” Said Janine “My pleasure, you two have fun!” with that, Mrs. McGill (Maureen) drove away.

The first store that the girls decided to go to was Nordstrom’s. They made a beeline for the prom dresses. Two minutes into their excursion, Stacey could already spot the dress that Janine was going to wear to the prom. “Here,” Stacey exclaimed as she held the dress up “This is the dress that you were born to wear!” It was red satin and long, with a halter back. A little scandalous for Janine, but Stacey knew that she would look stunning in it. Stacey blushed, and she wasn’t sure why. “I don’t know,” said Janine “Do you really think I can pull it off?” “Yes,” Stacey said enthusiastically “You are going to kick yourself if you don’t wear this fantastic dress.” “Well, I guess I better try it on then,” Janine said through a grin. They went over to a salesperson and got a dressing room.

As Janine walked into the dressing room, Stacey sat in the room across and waited for her to come out. “Stacey!” Janine yelped, “I need your help! I can’t get the back tied!” “Okay, said Stacey, I’m coming in.” As she walked in, Stacey could feel her pulse start to race. What is going on with me? She thought. Stacey looked at Janine and felt a twinge of jealousy for the guy who would get to dance with her at the prom.

“Does it look okay?” asked Janine “It looks better than okay,” said Stacey honestly. “You should wear this every day,” she joked. “And when we drop you off, I’m throwing away all of those frumpy blouses and we’re going to buy you a wardrobe that does you justice, okay?” Janine nodded, grinning. She then tied the halter, and said, “This is the one.” As Janine looked in the mirror, another radiant grin graced her face, and she turned to Stacey and said, “I think you’re right.”

Since they had found the prom dress so quickly, Janine and Stacey decided to go ice-skating. “It’s on me,” Janine said “You have done so much to help me today.” Stacey said, “No, no I enjoyed doing it, really. I’ve wanted to do this for the longest time.” After fighting over who should pay for a good five minutes, they eventually settled on each paying for their own skate rental.

As they walked down to the locker room to put on their skates, Stacey could feel her heartbeat speed up so much that she almost thought she was having a diabetic reaction. She was also surprised at the emptiness of the locker room. Well, I guess that article in the newspaper about mall skating rinks really scared parent away, she thought.

When they sat down to put on their skates, she couldn’t stop herself. The desire in her was too great, and the need was almost throbbing throughout her entire body. She reached out and brushed some of Janine’s hair from her face. A tremor of fear ran through her. I hope she can’t read my thoughts; she is a genius after all, Stacey though.

Janine smiled at her, and Stacey’s fears subsided. She is so beautiful, thought Stacey, She reached over and kissed Janine. She was so afraid that she would pull away, but Janine kissed her back. Between kisses, Janine repeated Stacey’s earlier words: “I’ve wanted to do this for the longest time.” Stacey replied, "What about your boyfriend?" "What boyfriend?", Janine said. Stacey smiled. Their skates lay forgotten on the floor.


!challenge entry, character: janine kishi, written for: ion_bond, author: imissbradandjen, pairing: janine/stacey, character: stacey mcgill, challenge: 05 - sisters

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