Tenth Field Operation [video]

Sep 25, 2009 20:19

I feel I should record this for posterity... *Medic's coat has some blood splatters on it, more recent than the more faded stains. He's also lacking his usual arsenal, including his medipack. He smiles in an unsettling manner*

It is time to check on the patient. *he turns his back and walks over to a makeshift operating table. There are some bloodied tools at his feet; the blood has dried, though.* Hallo? Herr Ice? Has the vomiting stopped yet? *he sounds far too happy about all of this...then there's a change in his demeanor*

... The patient has gone missing. Dummkopf, I told him to stay here!

*he sets the communicator down on the operating table. He walks around the darkened and uninhabited warehouse, obviously rather annoyed*

Herr Ice, are you in here? Show yourself!

*there's a loud crash from off camera. Medic stands in a defensive position, turning to face the noise*

Herr Ice? You should not be up and about so soon. *he sounds nervous, but is still chiding his missing patient...then something strikes his right arm, unseen. It's missing now. Of course, Medic screams in shock and in pain. He starts screaming in German, phrases equivalent to "what the fuck is going on". A hole is torn through the wall, the moonlight streaming in. Several pieces of equipment are also taken. Medic can only looking horrified and frightened. He finds his voice again and sounds shaken. He's clutching at where his arm used to be*


*in the blink of an eye, most of Medic's upper torso is missing, from his stomach to beneath his chest now a gaping hole. There's quite a bit of gore flying around, parts of Medic's organs that weren't taken by whatever that was splattering wetly to the floor. He falls to his knees, blood pouring onto the floor beneath him. In the next second, he's suddenly gone. There's only a small crater in the floor beneath him. There's nothing moving on the video for a moment. From the stillness just above the crater, Vanilla Ice pours into existence, his form appearing out of nothing. He's only there for a moment before the video cuts off*

eww, the doctor is out

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