Title: Idyll Pairing: Akanishi Jin/Kamenashi Kazuya Warning: None Genre: RPS, fluff Wordcount: 1,133 A/N: This plotless, utterly fluffy ficlet takes place in the "Available Light"-verse, post 2014. For ina and acchikocchi. ♥
*hugstight* I'm glad you like it, Ina. :D (and the fic "surprised" me, too - came out of nowhere, which was nice considering where my writerly headspace has been lately). :D ♥
Awww, i just love each and every moment with them from this universe to no end, it's wonderful. They are wonderful :) I also loved Kame's toast, it fits the title nicely :) Thank you darling
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I absolutely adore your writing so every time you update something I smile in glee. I think what I love the most is the little details, the way I can almost picture Akame stuck in a little car on the M25, Jin getting more frustarted as they don't move and then his relief when they move to the small, winding lanes where he isn't going to be stuck in a traffic jam for hours, lol. As silly as this sounds it sounds English aksj.
I always love your Akame because they feel so comfortable, so relaxed and at ease in their own skin. I just really loved this ♥♥♥
Ohhhhhhhh, you have no idea how glad I am to hear that - this fic is such a slight little thing, but I hoped there would be an Englishness about it. I was remembering such drives through rural England, you know. :D
AL-verse Akame is so much fun for me to write because they're really grown-ups, you know? (erm, they're in their thirties here, so) They've walked through fire, and they've figured things out (or as much as anyone does, I suppose) and they really are happy with themselves and with each other. I love that about them - so I'm glad you like their comfiness, too. :)
...this is one of the best surprises I could possibly have come home to find. I just. I'm so happy. It's so lovely and happy and atmospheric and skdjaljsd WONDERFUL. ;_____; Thank you so much, honey. I love it. I love you even more. ♥♥♥♥♥♥
*squishes you* I kept promising you some fluffy AL-verse Akame, and even if this wasn't either of the two I had hoped to write (I'm still mulling over your idea of Jin & Kame at the Vienna Opera house - I even tried to work it into this one, but no luck), I'm glad if it made you smile a little. Ilusm, you know? ♥♥♥♥
Comments 31
What a great surprise! *hugs*
I also loved Kame's toast, it fits the title nicely :)
Thank you darling
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I always love your Akame because they feel so comfortable, so relaxed and at ease in their own skin. I just really loved this ♥♥♥
Ohhhhhhhh, you have no idea how glad I am to hear that - this fic is such a slight little thing, but I hoped there would be an Englishness about it. I was remembering such drives through rural England, you know. :D
AL-verse Akame is so much fun for me to write because they're really grown-ups, you know? (erm, they're in their thirties here, so) They've walked through fire, and they've figured things out (or as much as anyone does, I suppose) and they really are happy with themselves and with each other. I love that about them - so I'm glad you like their comfiness, too. :)
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