Challenge: We all enjoyed the pocket picspam challenge so much that I thought it was time to revisit the idea. But this time your task is to complete and post up to two(2) full picspams at a minimum of 35 pictures each(not counting any title cards). You can receive 1 point for each additional picture up to 50(so, up to 15 extra points). The spam can be on any topic of your choosing within the Shonda universe - specific episodes or scenes, characters, quotes, themes - whatever inspires you.
* Your picspam must contain at least 35 pictures and must show obvious effort- caps must be colored and arranged in some fashion
* If you are going to spam an actor/actress, you may only use caps or promo images of them that relate to their Shonda verse role (ie: no caps of Patrick Dempsey from Enchanted)
* You must post your picspams at
theoncallroom before the deadline, as well as posting a link to your post in this post. Links to the spams can be posted separately or together. You may host your picspam at your own journal/community, however you must still crosspost to
theoncallroom* Tag banners must be present on your post at
theoncallroom in order to count. If your spams are posted separately, you will still only earn 1 extra point for tag banner usage.
Points: 30 points for each spam with the 35 picture requirement and 1 point for each additional picture after, up to 50 - max of 45 points per spam (so 90 points for the total challenge if you submit two spams with the max number of points).
Deadline: You have until Saturday September 4th at 11:59pm est