(I *will* answer comments on the last post, btw; it's just that it takes a lot more time and effort to write about serious stuff than fannish stuff, and I've been trying to stay focused today on the original novel that I'm writing. So, it may take me a day or two, but I will get there
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Comments 15
I agree about most of the scenes not being in the show, in fact, most of them seemed awkward somehow - the extended scene between Carter and Ronon, for example, and Caldwell really did seem to be flirting with Carter on the Daedalus. Having said that, I liked the scene with Sheppard - it showed how much Caldwell has "softened", and how Sheppard responds to that.
I disagree about the TV scene, inasmuch as being glad it wasn't in the show. Yes, it is a bit "primitive is confused by Earth technology", but that's not all I got from it. Ronon's concern and immediate reaction that "we have to help these people" is really touching, even if it's misplaced. Plus it's BSG, a show almost devoid of humour, so having a humorous point made about it has a wonderful irony to it.
It *does* really say a lot about Ronon that he's gone from a total lone-wolf to someone whose first impulse in a situation like that is to help people. Still glad that scene wasn't in there, though.
I so mourn the loss of that "Ronon as artist" scene. We've been given so little to play with when we write Ronon (Sateda. Wraith. Revenge. Guns. Fighting. Guns. Fighting. And, yes, I know he's a lot more than that, but quite a lot of episodes and fanfics do reduce him to the snarling hard man who wants to shoot things.) Even in Sunday, when he has time off, his only chosen leisure activity that we see involves sparring. It would have been so great to have had a whole new facet of his personality to explore.
Of all the clips, the Ronon-as-artist one is the one I wanted most, for purely personal reasons. And it was so SHORT! How hard would it have been to cut another few seconds of the fight scenes to keep that in there? *weeps*
I didn't like some of Martin Gero's comments, though. I was particularly annoyed to find out that they've "abandoned" the concept of Sheppard being smart enough to be a Mensa candidate, and quite surprised to learn that MG believes that none of the characters like Zelenka.
See my answer to Ali, above. I more saw that as "I've been wanting to put in a gag about [x]" than "[x] is literally true".
Which is not to say I didn't find the interviews annoying at times. There were times when I really wished they'd just give us the deleted scenes and stop telling us all about them. I tend to find a lot of commentary-type stuff has the same effect on me as the mega-long authors' notes that some people like to stick at the top of their fic -- it doesn't make me want to read the story, it just makes the author sound like an idiot. *g* I prefer to have the work stand on its own, usually.
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