Title: Pete Swallows a Fly
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Pete/Patrick. Pete/Spencer
Summary: Pete is restless and offers Spencer two hundred dollars to suck him off. Spencer makes him buy him coffee first.
Warnings: It’s really weird.
Notes: Inspired by a scene in “Coin Locker Babies” by Ryu Murakami.
Pete Swallows a Fly )
Comments 4
Okay. Even though you're messing with my head, I liked this a lot, liked both things you wrote tonight. I'm just unable to form the right words.
I hope.
This captures the atmosphere of the book really well, I think, and I can sort of see Pete being Hashi-like, although that isn't a notion I'd like to dwell on, honestly. It's too depressing. ;_;
The idea of Pete being like Hashi struck me while I was reading the novel, so I wanted to write something dealing with it. It is a pretty depressing thought though. D:
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