ohhhh boyyyy.

Oct 21, 2007 14:17

Sitting in on the chat with Sam Ferris. We are all mostly telling her how cool we think she is, and she is mostly telling us how hot various people are of her own volition. And talking about her boobs. I love this woman.
Also, in regard to fanfic: the SPN cast and crew read everything. Everything. Be afraid.
EDIT: I got the transcript, but I don't wanna post the whole thing, so maybe some of the fun highlights later tonight or tomorrow!
EDIT EDIT: Well, except
This was in reference to "pervy fanfiction":
10:32 samferris i saw that...graphic
10:32 samferris me and dean....
10:32 roxygirl880829 Never! we love Ellen
10:32 samferris i liked that...suggested it to Jensen.
10:32 samferris we had a good laugh.
10:32 roxygirl880829 Haha!
10:32 gramarye LOL LOL
10:32 samferris to tell you the truth, we have great chemistry on and off screeen.
10:32 Ghostwhisperer holy crap!
10:32 Shoi That is AWESOME
10:33 gk hee!
10:33 teeny21 niceee
10:33 samferris he'd already heard it.
More transcripts here!
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