Левиафан и Хаски

Jul 14, 2017 00:18

Легким движением рук ГАК меняется на РЛС?

Добре! Вот это Лего! Автосалоны Москвы и Московской области ждут Вашего предзаказа!

модульность это отражение прогресса институционализма ВМС во внешне задаваемых условиях (приспособленчество)

Even before taking command as Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Elmo Zumwalt saw the writing on the wall. As part of his “Project 60” he developed the “Hi-Low Mix” concept of shipbuilding. The “Hi” was made up of technically complex technology-laden Aegis weapon-systems ships-the Ticonderoga and later the Arleigh Burke classes. The “Low” was composed of the Oliver Hazard Perry class, predicated on the idea that if a high-end combatant needed two of something, then a Perry ship would get by with one. Admiral Zumwalt paid the construction bill for the new ships by decommissioning more than 300 legacy Navy vessels, most of them dating to World War II.

доковая, построечная, модульность - не совсем то

Somewhere in the middle of the pack was the fledgling Spruance class. Conceived as a modular build (constructed in big chunks that were then joined together) and with modular combat systems (to allow easier upgrades as the ships aged) the class was nevertheless mocked as “the least armed ship for its tonnage since the Constitution .

расплодили "зоопарк"

The 1989 study clarifies the value inherent in using a single hull form. At that time the Navy employed 26 distinct classes of ships-each with varied hull forms, propulsion systems, and weapon systems. In today’s more streamlined Navy we have five classes of surface combatants. Most use LM2500 gas-turbine engines for propulsion and some form of the Aegis weapon system.

хватит! даешь единый дивгатель!

If all ships were powered by the same propulsion system there would be only one engineering school, one set of engineering standards, and one set of parts, manuals, and technicians. Yet this only addresses one part of the equation.

идея фикс кировцев: тяжелый танк и мобилизационный танк

Левиафан и цербер

For the sake of simplicity, we chose a more mythic naming concept of Leviathan and Cerberus - Leviathan for the large and capacious ship, Cerberus for the smaller but equally multimission craft.

по этой идее и Чирков "с ума сходил", и главкому до него и похоже после

but moving toward the 20-foot equivalent unit that transformed break-bulk cargo ships to modern container ships, a concept of truly universal and interchangeable platforms and payloads.

смена модуля не должна Кузнецову стоить пропуска похода в Средиземное море

oпыт есть

The payload kit is designed to plug into the existing service connections in the hull, which would supply chill water, data connections, and electrical power buses in set locations ready to be uncapped and fitted to the kit’s component modules. Sound familiar? This was how Mk-15 Phalanx close-in weapon systems (CIWS) were first installed.

Продуктовые наборы, включая противовоздушный, противолодочный, ударный, колониально-канонерные варианты и многое другое по (практически) одной цене.

And each of these, or a combination of them, could be installed in the Leviathan as well-building from the Soviet Moskva and Japanese Hyuga concepts and placing a modern plug-and-play, UXV slant on the blended combatant/carrier concept.


Variations on the Streetfighter concept emerged between 1999 and 2000, all firmly
rooted in a class of ships that were numerous, small, fast, networked, and modular. The
three main variations can be broadly described as follows: distributed offense, distributed
defense, and delivery of off-board weapons and sensors.8

The distributed defense model had small, fast ships acting as screens for the main battle
force in the littoral. This was the model that was tested when the Streetfighter concept
received its first major exposure, in the Naval War College Global 1999 wargame. The
annual Global game has typically been a key vehicle for the Naval leadership to explore
and assess innovations in force structure and operational concepts. Cebrowski directed
that two different types of small combatants be inserted into the game. These were a ship
with a 160-ton payload capacity that carried either an ASW or MIW module, and a ship
with a 400-ton modular payload that served primarily as a missile magazine.9

made effective use of the small ships as front-line combatants. A key finding was that the
Red force submarines and surface combatants were reluctant to expose themselves for the
sake of firing on a small ship, and so the small ships were able to operate with a
surprising degree of survivability.

The distributed offense model was conceived of as a flotilla of very small ships supported
by a mothership. Such a concept was described by Hughes, both in his early writings and in an article in the February 2000 issue of Proceedings.
10 Hughes’s notional ships were
modular, displaced ~300 tons, and could be outfitted both to deal with littoral threats like
mines and to launch land attack missiles. The mothership was one possible solution to the
challenges that the so-called “iron triangle” of naval architecture imposed-the trade-offs
between speed, payload, and endurance inevitable in any ship design. By using a
mothership, small ships could be fast and have a useful payload because they would not
need to self-deploy across large distances or sustain themselves for long periods of time
on station.

The most fully developed Streetfighter-type design focused on the delivery of off-board
weapons and sensors. It came from a design exercise called Sea Lance. Sea Lance arose
out of a 2000 Naval Warfare Development Center (NWDC) and Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) study called Capabilities for the Navy After Next
(CNAN). CNAN addressed the importance of achieving access in the littorals. Part of the
CNAN solution to the problem was an Expeditionary Warfare Grid. This grid is a net of
unattended sensors (like radar buoys and sonar buoys) and unattended weapons (like
floating torpedoes and cruise missiles) laid in coastal waters. In mid-2000, Cebrowski
challenged students at the Naval Postgraduate School to design a system that would be
able to implement the CNAN grid concept. The NPG team proposed a team of two ships:
a small combatant and a mule, a ship towed behind the combatant that would carry the
elements of the Expeditionary Warfare Grid. While the grid and the mule were unique
among Streetfighter-type proposals, the Sea Lance combatant (as designed) stuck closely
to important Streetfighter principles. It was small: less than 500 tons full load
displacement. It was designed to implement network centric warfare. It made significant
use of off-board systems, and so had inherently modular capability. It was also
expendable: its low cost (less than $100M for the first ship), austere manning (a crew of
13), and numbers (there would be squadrons of 10 ships with their mules) meant that it
could be risked in the hazardous littoral environment.

These three Streetfighter-type concepts were employed in the Global 2000 wargame.11
Here, the concepts began to blend together.12 The core elements were the same to start
with: the ships were small, fast, networked, and modular.


доктрина, из комментариев, ВМС

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