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Comments 9

anonymous July 4 2017, 16:47:07 UTC
давайте сравним музыку
карточный домик заурядный сериал



shoehanger July 4 2017, 17:29:18 UTC
нечего и сравнивать. Бадаламенти.


anonymous July 4 2017, 17:34:18 UTC
ladies and gentleman the Roadhouse is proud to welcome The Nine Inch Nails



shoehanger July 4 2017, 19:13:32 UTC

Фильм Белые пески мне понравился как и Три дня кондора. Оба Александров советовал.


anonymous July 5 2017, 04:47:00 UTC
«Карточный Домик» пошлятина

Kalypso Mielow 1 year ago

I am 19 years old, my mom is a huge fan. And I watched it for the first time when I was about 15, this show is out of this world and can't wait for the new stuff to come out <3

dikkefuck123456789 2 years ago
I am only 18 years old.
But my dad was a big fan off the series.
So when we were cleaning our house we found Twin Peaks on VHS . Burried in dust.
So I decided too watch the series on my old VHS player.
On off the best series ever if you ask me.
I finished it all in 3 days.

Claire Holtak 1 year ago
The music MAKES this series - wasn't allowed to watch it when I was 12, so catching up now at 38 and seeing what all the fuss is about - it is the best series ever made. Can't wait to see how the remake holds up without all those young nubile maidens!

Rama 92 1 year ago
i remember this song when i 15 years old....now 37 0ld...i still remember it..

ian conlan 2 years agoI was 9 when this show came out and I remember it like it was yesterday. This was the show of that year. ( ... )


shoehanger July 5 2017, 12:23:09 UTC
wasn't allowed

Нам тоже не давали, сестра сейчас пересматривалас вместо домика


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