The Flora Legacy: 3.5

Feb 25, 2008 20:04

80+ images. Possibly some swearing.

LAST TIME on the Flora Legacy, Sprout and Juniper both became teens and were generally cute and awesome. There was lots of gossiping, Juniper continued trying to take over the world, and Sprout began his quest to fulfill his LTW.

Me: Juniper? What's wrong?
Juniper: It- She- No words-

Me: Ohhh... *shudders*
Juniper: I can't take over the world if I'm seen with something like THAT at my side!!!

We tried again. Well well now...

Hello there, yummy boy! Juniper is much more pleased. She loves red hair.

Meanwhile, Sprout is so excited to greet his date that he runs out in his pajamas and almost squeezes the life out of her. (Which really would have hampered his quest to have 50 dream dates).

Greenbean: Is still awesome. And hot. :D

What is that rumbling in the photobooth?

Let's all immediately drop everything we're doing to run and see!

Hmmm, it's Sprout's date...

And Sprout!

Juniper: Wait, what was he DOING in there?
Me: Well, if you don't know, I won't tell you...

Sprout: Did I just do what I think I did?

Sprout: I am so AWESOME!
Date: *swoons*

Greenbean and Andrea get their picture taken together. And Sprout acts interested while his date (I really still don't know her name) talks about ghosts.

The photobooth pictures will be replacing the heir portraits because they kept glitching and turning into sunsets! This is much easier. Anyway, they'll feature the Heir's spouse or lover, etc. In Bluebell's case I went with the one of her as a vampire with the Count. Even though he ended up being annoying, I loved her as a vampire.

Sidenote: Does anyone wish there were more positions for the photobooth pictures? I mean I know there is the romantic, funny and normal, but I wish there were more variations WITHIN those, you know?

Juniper's date cleans up well, AND it appears she is...

... GETTING HER FIRST KISS! Yay! :D Too cute.

Kissing = Love. True facts.

Dream Date 5/50.

Sprout: Wait, why is she LEAVING? I'm not done fooling around with her!!!

Man staring at your boobs = Love. True fact. XD

Juniper has a dream date with the boy whose name I can't remember!

Juniper: That was AWESOME! Can I do it again soon?

You know... GIFTS are always better than flowers. HINT HINT.

(I have yet to get a gift, and Sprout's had FIVE dream dates. WTF?)

Impaling your gift of roses on your knee = FAIL.

Sprout gets grabby with Meadow Thayer.

Which she apparently likes. *cough*slut*cough* Just kidding. ;) Anyway 6/50.

Dear Diary. The other day I kicked my sisters ARSE at chess!

Juniper: I love soap operas!

Juniper: OMG, what are they DOING?

Juniper: I probably shouldn't be watching this.

Juniper: *hears sexy sounds* *peeks* Well, maybe just peek so I'll know if its over?

Juniper: HEY! I didn't know you could do that in a photobooth! Wait- SPROUT was in a photobooth with his DATE. *realisation dawns* Wait, I'M the romance sim! No FAIR!
Me: *scrolls over to Sprout* RUN, Sprout, RUN!!!

Sprout: Oooh, I should try that with Meadow next time she stops by! *is oblivious*

And the next day or something, Sprout and Juniper play red hands in their newly decorated living room!

Sprout: Hey, you know what I heard about Grandma?

Sprout: She hated getting married...

Sprout: To ELISE!

Bluebell: Huh? Wait, how do YOU know that?

Juniper: Oh CRAP. She's right behind us, isn't she?

Sprout: Heh. Hi, Grandma?

Sprout: RUN!!!!
Bluebell: Huh?

Bluebell: I'm confused.

Bluebell: But its ok, because I'm pretty, right?
Me: *nods* Right!

You know, YOU HAVE BEDS!

Juniper: ZzzzZzzZzzZZzzZzzZ... I have three best friends... zzzZZzz.. I am so awesome... zzzZZzZzzzZ...

Oh yeah, really awesome. Considering two of them are your mom and your brother. And the other is the guy you just had a date with.

Awww, she does look so cute in that uniform, which I finally got to see after a long weekend.

That is one handsome alien.

Bluebell got a new outfit. And got fat.

She decides this will not be tolerated and decides to do something about. Thus leading to:


Damn, Granny Bluebell is FIERCE.

Unfortunately, I realized that the obstacle course doesn't increase your physical fitness (for some reason?), even though she ran it a few times. So I stuck it into someone's inventory and bought her something special instead.


Can you spin like a sneakascope,

Ma ma ma, ma ma ma, ma ma ma.

Spinning around as fast as you can, Ma ma ma, ma ma ma, ma ma ma.

If you get the reference, you get cookies and awesomesauce.

Bluebell's spinning was interrupted by a chance card.

Which I knew the answer to already! HAHA!

Yes. Yes, you are awesome.

Bluebell: Ha HAH. I AM AWESOME.

Bluebell: AND I can spin like a sneakascope. Grrrr!

They have a lot of homework parties. I encourage it because it is cute. :D

YES! *pumps fist in air* Greenbean got his LTW! His new one is to become a Criminal Mastermind, I don't know if I'll try it or not, we'll see.

Juniper: Hey so did you know? I'm going to be HEIR and take over the world!
Bluebell: Hmm. I foresee some curves up ahead in that plan of yours.

Sprout: Dear Diary. The mail lady is hot.

(It's Dagmar, so I agree.)

Sprout: So is the neighbor's maid.

(The Flora's don't have a maid, so I don't know how he saw her).

Sprout: I think I want to be a pimp like that guy Hugh Hefner that I saw on TV. The Girl's Next Door is such an awesome show!

Juniper: MAAAAAAN.... *suffering sigh* Chess is so HARD! It's like WORK.

Juniper: I'm going to kick your BUTT at video games, Grammy!

Bluebell: Yeah, whatever, CHILD.

Juniper: Hey! You'd better not be cheating, or I'll hit you with my controller!

Juniper: Oh wait, I won. WOOOOOO!

And why are we celebrating?

Because its (finally) Sprout's birthday again!


Despite his... interesting fashion sense, I think you all made a GREAT choice for heir. That's right SPROUT IS THE GENERATION THREE HEIR!!! I can't wait to see how his genetics work in his children.

Take one last look at the cuteness of Greenbean and Andrea...

Because just the next night, it was their birthday too!

Greenbean: Wait, wut?

Andrea: *gasp* Something's happening to me!!!
Greenbean: I did not sign up for this!

Simultaneous back aches. And then BAMF!

Elders. Oh man. Teeeheeee. *rolls on the floor with laughter and then gives makeovers*

Elder Greenbean, still looking fly. He's lost his eye sight with age so he needed glasses.

And Elder Andrea, who still looks beautiful.

And that's it for this update of the Flora Legacy! Next time... Generation FOUR is born? Feel free to FRIEND this journal for updates.

Oh, and comments make me happy. :D

flora legacy: generation two, flora legacy: generation three, flora legacy: generation one

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