The Flora Legacy: Where Is He Now - Gen. 4

Jun 07, 2008 20:47


Like all my Spare updates, this is told in story format and provides a glimpse into the life of those Flora kids not chosen as heirs.

After my sister Datura was chosen to be heir, I moved out of my family home. My boyfriend Paul and I combined what money we had and moved into an adorable small home near where I'd grown up.

I thought our lives together were just about to begin. We both had good jobs, and on the weekends we could shop Flea Markets and other little hole-in-the-walls to find furniture to fill out home. Unfortunately, life was about to take a sad turn.

That first weekend in the house, Paul sat me down to talk.

Paul: There's something we need to talk about, Snap.
Snap: What is it? Is everything ok?

Paul: I had an appointment yesterday, Snap. And... well it wasn't good.
Snap: What do you mean, Paul?

Paul: The doctor said I'm sick. As in really sick. And I'm not going to get better, Snap.
Snap: No- That's impossible! You can't- Paul, we're supposed to start our lives together! Have children and grow old, and-
Paul: I'm sorry, Snap. But the Doctor says I only have a few months left, and- if you want, I'll go away to the hospital and stay there until-
Snap: No. No, I want you here, with me. I'll take care of you, Paul.

And so Paul decided to stay with me, in the home we'd bought together.

At first, I didn't see any signs that he was sick. But then, the coughing began.

It seemed like every 10 minutes he was bent over, hacking away.

Sometimes he coughed so hard and for so long that he'd clutch his chest and say his lungs felt as if they were exploding.

I was so worried for him. I didn't want him to be sick, I wanted him to be better!

But there was nothing I could do to heal him. All I could do was watch over him and worry that the next time he coughed might be the last.

Soon, Paul was spending most of his time sleeping. I would often stand over his bed and watch him. The only time he was peaceful was when he was asleep.

It had been two months since he'd learned the terrible news and he was still hanging on. One day, while Paul was taking one of his numerous daily naps, I was outside watering out flowers. Suddenly, I heard horrible noises drifting out the window.

It was Paul. Through the window I could see him clutching his throat as he climbed out of bed.

I ran towards the door, praying I could get to him in time to help-

But it was too late. Paul, my love and teenage sweetheart, was dead.

I buried him in the backyard, under the Weeping Willow tree he'd so loved when we bought the house.

Over the next few weeks, I sunk into a deep depression. I didn't go to work, I didn't change my clothes or shower... I just walked around the house in a daze, remembering Paul.

Ironically it was my sister who saved me. As children we'd fought constantly, plagued by the jealousy that often bothers twins. But that day she showed up on my doorstep, all arguments aside.

Datura: Snap. You look like shit. You need to break yourself out of this!

Alright, so she was still her usual... blunt self. But she was right.

With Datura's help, we managed to clean the entire house back to its normal standards. Then, Datura forced me to shower and clean up and dragged me into the other room.

Datura: Here, put this on!

She handed me a brand new outfit and shooed me into the bedroom. Just a few minutes later I came back out, dressed in my stylish new clothes.

Datura: See, Snap? You look so handsome!

Snap: You really think so, Datura?
Datura: Yeah. And you know what else I think you need?
Snap: What?
Datura: I think you need to go out, find the hottest bunch of gay men you can, and flirt. You need to move on, Snap! It's what Paul would have wanted.

At first, I wasn't sure if she was right. But soon the idea began to take hold. Datura was right. Paul would have wanted me to move on with my life.

So a few nights later, I headed out to "Cerulean", a hot new Gay club Downtown. The room was packed with dancing men.

I headed out onto the dance floor and began to strut my stuff. Feeling the music moving through me was such a release.

And then, just two songs into my night, I saw him. The most gorgeous man I have ever seen.

He must have seen me looking, because seconds later he met my eyes and made a beeline straight for me.

Payton: My name is Payton.
Snap: I'm Snapdragon. It's nice to meet you.
Payton: Snapdragon? That's an interesting name. Very sexy.
Snap: Oh, thanks, I- Um- Wanna dance?

So we danced. I couldn't ignore the connection between us...

Especially not when the music turned slow, and Payton drew me closer.

It was as if energy was crackling between us.

I looked into his brilliant blue eyes and felt a shiver down my spine. I'd never felt this way before, not even with Paul-

It was all too much. I pulled back, and apologetic smile on my face.

Snap: Thanks so much for the dance, but- I have to be going.
Payton: Are you sure? Wait, at least give me your number!
Snap: All- Alright.

I handed him my number, waved, and left.

And the very next day, he called. And the day after that, and the day after that. We talked every day, often for more than an hour at a time. Finally, after weeks of talking, he asked me out to dinner and I said yes.

We went to a beautiful new restaurant downtown.

As we'd learned over the phone, Payton and I had a lot in common, and we couldn't stop talking. We discussed the newest plays at the theater downtown...

And the new art exhibit the Gallery was showing.

We only paused to eat the scrumptious salmon the waiter served us.

After we were done eating, Payton pulled me onto the dance floor. Just as it had before, that strange electricity crackled between us.

When the song came to and end, Payton tugged me close, dipped me down, and kissed me like I'd never been kissed by anyone.

I think that night was when we started falling in love with each other.

After that night, we went on all sorts of dates with each other whenever we could. One night it was stargazing in Payton's backyard.

Another time we went out to this great bar downtown, "Miss Piggy's".

And one of my favorite dates was the time we went to the park and just swung on the swings all afternoon.

Other times, of course, we just stayed at my house. We'd cuddle up on the bench outside-

-where Payton would pull me into his arms and kiss me, and tell me how much he cared for me.

Soon, Payton was spending most nights with me.

Although, we didn't always get much sleep, if you know what I mean. ;)

I loved the man. I really did. And I was finally ready to take the next step.

So one night, almost a year after we first met, I got down on my knee and proposed.

Snap: Payton, I love you more than anything and anyone. Will you marry me?
Payton: Oh SNAP! I never expected- It's so beautiful- Of COURSE I'll marry you!

He slipped the ring onto his finger and then wrapped his arms around me. I was going to marry the man that I loved.

In memory of Paul, we had a small private ceremony under the tree where he'd been buried.

Payton and I exchanged our vows, and then we were husband and husband. Mr and Mr Flora.

And so we celebrated. Er, just about every night.

And soon enough, the evidence of our 'celebrating' became obvious.

Very obvious.

What? Don't look so askance! With genetic technology the way it is these days, even two men can have babies with each other. They say it isn't even that painful.

As the months flew by, Payton and I decorated the nursery. In matching maternity wear (Payton had picked them out as a tribute to my alien genes), we spoke to our babies in each other's bellies.

And then the day came at last. Payton was outside on the porch when his labor pains began. I could hear him screaming from the other side of the house and rushed to help him.

Luckily, the pills the doctor had given us seemed to help. A lot.

I was still incredibly surprised when the baby appeared though.

It was a baby boy. We named him Stalk, and he was the spitting image of Payton.

I don't know if it was the shock of seeing Payton give birth, or if it was just my time, but seconds later I felt my own labor pains began. I didn't even have time to take any pills!

And then she was born. Her name was Bean, and though she had my green alien skin, she had her other Daddy's hair and eyes. She was beautiful, just like her brother.

After that, between raising the babies and going to work, time seemed to fly by. Soon, it was Bean and Stalk's birthday.

As a toddler, Stalk resembled Payton even more. It seemed the only thing he'd inherited from me was his pointy ears. And, as Payton loved to point out, his smile.

And my little Bean was a gorgeous little girl. Her blue eyes seemed to sparkle with laughter every day.

Two toddlers was a lot of work. But let me promise you, Payton and I were still very much in love.

And now, our little babies are kids who've just started school! Here is Stalk, who I'm sure will grow up to be just as handsome as his father Payton.

And here is my beautiful little Bean.

Bean and Stalk are full of energy.


They're constantly jumping up and down on the bed's and the couches and running around the house like a bunch of maniacs. Adorable maniacs, of course.

Both Payton and I were pleased at how well they got along. I was worried they'd be like Datura and I, constantly squabbling. But they both loved each other.

And so our happy little family thrived together, in the house I'd bought with Paul all those years ago. He'd always said it was a house that deserved a family.

And it ended up with a very exciting and happy one.

But that's the best sort of family, isn't it?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bean and Stalk are still kids in my game (so that they can play with Datura's kids). But I did age them up and take some pictures just so you could see how they came out.

Teen Stalk.

And adult Stalk. He really does look like Payton, except for the ears. Something about his cheeks and chin bug me a bit, but he's cute. Stats:

Turn Ons: Stink and Grey Hair
Turn Off: Facial Hair
(He has the weirdest attractions! I let my Fiance choose by calling out numbers, so blame him.)

Teen Bean!

And the beautiful Adult Bean. She is absolutely gorgeous. Almost makes me wish Snap had been heir, because Bean totally would have been Gen. 5 Heir. She's so pretty. Stats:

Turn Ons: Glasses & Black Hair
Turn Off: Swimwear

And that's it for this update! Well, except a few:

-----------------------PRODUCTION NOTES----------------------

- All the scenes were filmed at Snap's house. That includes the club, the bar, the restaurant and the park. I'm crafty. ;)
- Umm... I have to confess. Paul wasn't actually sick. Well, I moved him in and aged him up, but his face turned out not at all like I wanted. So, er- I made him sick and killed him. Yeah, I'm guilty.
- Paul secret number two! When he died, for some reason there was no tombstone. So the stone you see Snap mourning over, the one under the tree? I ended up killing a random blond townie and using his grave instead. He kept coming back as a ghost and getting in my shots as revenge.

That's it! There should be a Thayer update tomorrow, and another Flora update sometime next week. Hope you enjoye

flora legacy, flora legacy: where are they now?, flora legacy: generation four

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