Second Batch!

Nov 07, 2006 10:28

As was discussed with the first batch of photos, most of the shots I took were backstage shots. There are more show (Rocky and Shock Treatment) pictures HERE, which were taken by "Crim Jim" from Cincinnati.

"There's just the two of me …" Shock Treatment Janet (Cleveland's Kimmy Woodworth, a.k.a.
janetmajors) meets Rocky Horror Janet (Maryland's Jessica Feldman, a.k.a.
redwillowkitty). Kimmy is wearing Frank-N-Furter makeup because she played Frank in Rocky immediately after playing Janet in Shocky. (This, and the subsequent backstage shots, were taken on Friday night.)

Emily Sakura as Nation McKinley and Shawn Anthony Watts as Eddie.

Shawn and Jessica…

…and Mary Woodworth (as Macy Struthers) and Kimmy.

Nation McKinley (Emily Sakura) with the champagne prop bottle (for the end of the movie). The label on the bottle is my design, made for my cast's production of Shock Treatment in 1998, but with the snarky text removed. (I made a variety of graphics and props for that production, including the Dentonvale contract that Janet never signs, the script for the "next episode" which Bert hands Cosmo, and so forth - unfortunately, I've lost them. Some of the designs which I do still have need to be updated now that we can see them with greater clarity on the DVD, such as the DTV badges.)

And here's Jeff Baker, a.k.a.
rhpslips, currently with Delaware's Formal Dress Optional. He played Brad Majors in the Friday night Rocky Horror Picture Show, which was shown after Shock Treatment. Note that he's wearing my cummerbund, that he never returned to me. Not that I mind, but it's fun to tease him.

Brad (John Polifko) has just been committed, and is wheeled away by Nurse Ansalong (Melissa Aron). Cosmo (Jeffie) gives chase, but Janet (Jessica) doesn't sign the contract. Nation McKinley was played by Kendra Thomas. (This, and the subsequent show shots, were taken on Saturday night.)

Jeffie and Kendra. His costume hasn't started to disintegrate yet; but at least it was easy to get off when he needed to change. First he went rip, rip, rip…

Ralph Hapschatt (Jimmy Wolske) and Macy Struthers (Mary Woodworth). Note the albatross to the right…

Here's "Shock Treatment", with Missy Stricklett and Jessi Berry as Emily and Harry Weiss, and Bill Harris as Bert Schnick.
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