Title: Amphetamines and Fallen Angels
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Summary: Dean tells himself that it’s okay because this Castiel has already been corrupted, this one has already had the innocence peeled away, like old skin. Dean knows that he can’t break what’s already broken.
Warnings: Fallen!Castiel, PWP, explicit sexual content.
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Comments 18
I ADORED this, mainly because it was hawt but also because of Castiel telling Dean that the old him would have appreciated a clap on the back or a hug from time to time - ouch, my heart. What a fabulous idea.
And for some reason their hands stroking denim rather than bare skin kinda turned me on. WTF? That's never happened before. For that, I salute you!
Thank you so much! I've only just started dipping my toe into writing for this fandom, so your comments have made me a very happy person indeed!
With the amount of denim they actually wear on the show, I think denim!kink is subconsciously ingrained into us!
Thanks again for stopping by :)
I completely agree about future!Castiel being way too depressing. On the outside, he's hilarious and (finally) laid back, but deeper down, he makes you want to cry; he's so tragic :'( I'm really glad you liked this take on his character and that you enjoyed the porn, though ;)
But to the point, this was great - angsty and hot and fabulous :D
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