[Tess had been considering this for a very long time now and you know what? She's going to go for it. Well, if she can find some bright pink paint and a bit of fabric for Diarrhea's dress.]
Hey, boys! Do any of you want to help me out with a bit of, like, tough guy work?
[Green's a nice colour and all, it's just not her colour. Okay, maybe it is
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[You called?]
Kevas looks at the pod for a moment and he thinks he sees the problem she's having.]
I could try climbin' up dere and paint da top while joo paint da bottom.
[Because he really doesn't want to worry about messing her things up.]
[Because you don't him drinking on the job. He won't stop.]
Dey shouldn't even boddah. I gonna have dis done in no time.
[Mostly he just doesn't want to share the drinks.]
I just be doin' what any gentlemon would do.
[Tess snatches a few brushes and a brush before skipping into her house. Her neighbors should fear for their eyes because this is going to be the pinkest and most blindingly florescent house in the entire world. 8|]
[Kevas grabs a paint roller and easily scales to the top of the pod. This is nothing like the trees back home.]
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