...What can be more sillily arrogant and misbecoming, than for a man to think that he has a mind and understanding in him, but yet in all the universe beside there is no such thing? Or that those things, which with the utmost stretch of his reason he can scarce comprehend, should be moved and managed without any reason at all?
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Comments 35
А Ваше рассуждение о возможных мирах - лишь немного другая форма антропного аргумента, что я привел в посту. Других попыток ответа мне не попадалось, кроме одной, но о ней стоит говорить отдельно. От Вашего подхода она далека; утверждается, что определенные виды матлогики выбираются эволюцией независимо от отбора. Теория эта темная, и как я не пытался ее понять, как она именно работает я разобраться не смог. По-моему , там какое-то движение руками в середине; предпосылки ясны, выводы тоже, но как одно следует из другого понять невозможно. WS Cooper : The evolution of reason.
Так рационален мир или нет? -- Just like Locke says in his chapter (which I rehashed in the post): it is no more possible that the world that is devoid of rationality produces it than matter that lacks extention produces space. Actually, he also says that panpsychism cannot be correct. If each corpuscule is rational but has its own rules than you can have harmony only if there are rational principls that are still higher than their rational principles that they need to obey, whether by universal agreement or imposition. That principle, that point of agreement can be called G-d without any loss of generality.
There is a thing about materialism proper (as opposed to, say, panpsychism) that I've never been able to understand: how does it explain rationality.
People usually take the easy way out of it. Yes, there are no laws, it is all irrational, but there are certain regularities in nature, and the laws are ad hoc rationalizations of such regularities. Recognizing such regularities helps us to survive, because one can predict what is likely to happen.
Did they ever watch the perfect beauty of a rainbow ?
I am happy to stay put and watch in awe.
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