(1) Pass glass challenge.
...the 17th century paintings offer an insight into the everyday drinking habits of of that time. One object that is frequently found in these images is the pass glass. A pass glass is a high cylindrical glass with regular horizontal bands on the outside. These bands were called ‘passen’ [measures] and give the glass the
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I can't, actually exclude that it is something LIKE tobacco. Maybe it was burned at the tip and the cone was used to direct the smoke over oysters, to produce smokey flavor.
Yes, that was the problem with the cones: the lettering was not very legible, only a few letters at a time, and they did not make much sense. But my Dutch is nonexistent, so who knows...
They surely know how to ruin a good thing in Boston...
Вот современный рецепт:
"Устрицы натуральные.
Устрицы подавать со льдом на раковинах. Посыпать их солью и перцем, облить лимонным соком, украсить блюдо лимоном и петрушкой. К устрицам подать тонкие ломтики хлеба, намазанные маслом.
5-8 шт. устриц, 1 лимон, 100 г хлеба, 1 ст. ложку сливочного масла, зелени петрушки, перец черный, соль по вкусу."
(Относительно) подробный разбор голланских натюрмортов. С удивлением узнал из него, что "Oysters, then as now, can be seen as symbols of carnality"
И дальше: "Objects similar to the silver cylindrical item on the right of the picture feature in most of Heda's paintings and is a ceremonial salt with a pile of salt crystals on top." "Alongside the lemon on the left is what appears to be a rolled-up cone of printed paper. It would have contained pepper and is an object that appears in many of the paintings that have shellfish as an element in the composition."
I am not sure, for example, that ground pepper was even sold. In most places, peppercorn was sold and people used hand mills or mortar and pestle to grind it as they needed it.
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