If liberty is inalienable natural right, as we hold it, how can the convicts be deprived of liberty as just punishment? The Bible does not consider imprisonment (as opposed to jailing before a trial) as the lawful mode of punishment. There is no "tradition" justifying this barabarian practice except for the perverted sadism of Germanic pagans,
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Yes, the French do love Polanski, perhaps he will now even replace Dominique Strauss-Kahn as their favorite presidential candidate.
But you are talking about 2.3 million Americans now in prison. The ones that are on parole or on probation should probably be added, bringing the total to 7.2 million. Not many of them are famous as talented film directors or brilliant socialists. A large majority of them are black and male. Also, presumably, a large majority of them are criminals. This is not a combination of qualities that would be easily voted in by any democracy.
The whole of Latin America and Caribbean (and Spain has colonized about two thirds of it) had a population of 39 million which has quickly fallen to 10 million according to wiki. And the rich Spanish monarchy could draw soldiers from its Italian and other European possessions. Spain was bigger than its American colonies. People typically look at the world in its current proportions (actually, in the proportions that were when they were at school). The proportions were very different onceThe Dutch have colonized Indonesia via trade domination, it was not a "typical" military conquest ( ... )
Vladimir Voinovich, Moscow 2042 (an ironic anti-Utopia written in 1986; the future (communist) Moscow republic is separated from the (socialist) rest of the USSR which is essentially a colony called "the First Ring"):
- Но эти люди, - спросил я, - которые были виновны в беспорядках первого дня, я надеюсь, понесли наказание.
- Еще какое! - сказала она. - Председатель государственного комитета по удовлетворению потребностей и начальник Внубеза были осуждены и...
- ...и расстреляны! - догадался я.
- Ну что ты! - возразила Искрина. Это никак невозможно. У нас в Москорепе смертная казнь навечно отменена. У нас есть только одно наказание - высылка в Первое Кольцо. И эти люди были туда высланы.
- Ну и напрасно, - сказал я. - Я, конечно, понимаю, что при коммунизме отношение к людям должно быть гуманным, но гуманизм гуманизму рознь, и злоупотреблять им не следует.
- Не волнуйся, дурачок, - Искрина погладила меня по голове. - Они же были высланы в Первое Кольцо. А там смертная казнь еще не
Yes, 200 years ago it was possible to send convicts away into a life in liberty, or at least a fair chance of that. Now it is not possible. The world has changed too much. The devil is in the details, in the "practicalities".
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