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Post aGoS anonymous February 6 2012, 16:43:20 UTC
Early in the Ritchieverse Haitus, Holmes sends an apologetic note to a grieving Watson, letting him know that he survived but he's currently being hunted by Moran and thinks he might not make it.

Mary gets the note first.

And burns it.


Re: Post aGoS feralious February 6 2012, 19:24:09 UTC
I... I want to write this. But I can't promise anything because I have tons of other prompts/ideas that I still need to write.

But anyway, this needs to be written. If not by me, hopefully by someone else, though I'll try my best to one day fill this. The majority of prompts on here really doesn't suit my tastes, but this one does. Perfectly. Thank you for this wonderful idea.


Re: Post aGoS anonymous February 6 2012, 20:14:44 UTC
God, I love this prompt. It's ... perfection.

+ 1,000,000


Re: Post aGoS milk_knife February 6 2012, 23:15:49 UTC
I can see this perfectly.


Re: Post aGoS lawnnun February 7 2012, 01:24:58 UTC

Christ, this could be *amazing*.


Re: Short Fic Fill 1/2: Post aGoS anne85 February 20 2012, 19:13:21 UTC
Hi! I just read this and had to write it ( ... )


Re: Short Fic Fill 2/2: Post aGoS anne85 February 20 2012, 19:14:20 UTC

First Mary was a little bit suspicious but then she answered with a kind smile. “Thank you, Clara”. And the maid went off again.

Mary took the letter immediately. It was addressed to John. She sighed and wanted to put it away as she recognized the handwriting. She didn’t know where she had seen it before but it felt so familiar. The curiosity was growing inside of her. She quarreled with herself. She had always been a good wife and had respected John’s personal things, never touching anything before allowed to. But with this letter she couldn’t get rid of the growing curiosity in her stomach.

She looked up just to control that no one was entering the room and opened the seal carefully.

It was only just a single page with not so many written words. But the few words sufficed to make Mary catch her breath as she read:

My dear Watson ( ... )


Re: Short Fic Fill 2/2: Post aGoS anonymous February 26 2012, 00:58:11 UTC
That was good and I could see Mary doing that out of some weird sense of "saving" her husband.


Re: Short Fic Fill 2/2: Post aGoS anne85 February 27 2012, 13:53:04 UTC
Thank you! :-)
Yes, I thought so, too. ;-)


Second Fill? anonymous February 26 2012, 05:30:54 UTC
Would anyone be terribly offended if I were to write a second fill for this?


Re: Second Fill? anne85 March 8 2012, 21:43:44 UTC
I wouldn't mind. ;-)
I still love the whole idea! I'm curious what you will make of it. ;-)


Re: Post aGoS anonymous June 3 2013, 22:26:01 UTC
Holy fuck WHAT?!
I haven looked if there is a fill yet, but,
I was drinking while I read this and almost spit all over my laptop! (Thankfully it was the curtains and only water)
Gosh, reading things like this makes me hate characters. No matter if they've done it canon or not..


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