Title: Better Together: An OT4 Fanmix Character(s)/Pairing(s): OT4 Rating: G Disclaimer: Nothing here belongs to me. Please support the artists when possible. ♥
And I like Incubus and I'm cool with 3 Doors Down (I really like that song, not very familiar with their other stuff).
And I love 'Stuck In the Middle with You' and classic rock in general.
But. So. 'Stand By Me'? That was my favorite song when I was a kid, you have no idea. I freaking loved that song. I still love listening to it, it's all...nostalgic for me and stuff.
So basically I love this mix a whole whole lot and you are awesome a whole whole lot ♥ (And the boys all love each other, yay~)
Comments 3
Okay so. I love One Republic. And Jason Mraz. ♥
And I like Incubus and I'm cool with 3 Doors Down (I really like that song, not very familiar with their other stuff).
And I love 'Stuck In the Middle with You' and classic rock in general.
But. So. 'Stand By Me'? That was my favorite song when I was a kid, you have no idea. I freaking loved that song. I still love listening to it, it's all...nostalgic for me and stuff.
So basically I love this mix a whole whole lot and you are awesome a whole whole lot ♥ (And the boys all love each other, yay~)
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